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* 6. 特殊的云层 a special cloud formation ★ formation: 形成物,已形成的东西 e.g. Clouds are formations of tiny drops of water in the sky. 云是由空中极细微的水滴构成。 * 7.在附近 8. 根据颜色和气味来判断 tell by the colour and smell 9. 筑巢而居的小鸟 nesting birds Bird’s Nest(鸟巢) 10.在远离海岸的公海上 (be) offshore in the open sea 11.确定方位 identify the position close by / nearby * 12.加速 accelerate the speed ★ accelerate vt./vi. 加速, 促进(指增加活动、成长或进步的速度) e.g. R加速经济发展 accelerate economic development 随着经济增长的加速,一些大城市的绿地变得越来越少。 With the acceleration of economic growth, the green areas in some big cities are becoming less and less. * Certain tides and currents could be used by skillful sailors to carry ships to their destination. ★ tide n. 潮, 潮汐, 潮流, 趋势 e.g. a tide of immigration Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待/岁月不等人。 (时机,有利的场合,机会) 移民潮 Sentence: On a clear day especially during the summer the sailors could use the sun overhead at midday to navigate by. [Sun] *[On a clear day/ especially during the summer] the sailors could use the sun [overhead at midday] to navigate by. 在晴朗的日子里,特别是夏天, 船员可以利用正午在头顶上的太阳来导航(过海)。 在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝线,风筝在他的头顶上随风摆动,忽上忽下。 In the park I saw a little boy holding the string of a kite. In the park I saw a little boy holding the string of a kite, which was flying overhead at the mercy of the wind, up and down. The kite was flying overhead at the mercy of the wind, up and down. Page 2 理论问题 在一定时间内 8. 减少出错的趋势 复杂的数学表 直线行驶 it is difficult(=?) to use… 一种比较精确的和简单的版本 固定的参照点 理论问题 the theoretical problem 2.在一定时间内 during a fixed period of time 3.复杂的数学表 complicated mathematical tables(表格) *pie chart(饼图), bar chart(柱图) graph(曲线图) 4.直线航行 set a straight course There was no secure method of measuring longitude until the 17th century when the British solved the theoretical problem. [page 2 Finding longitude] There was no secure method [of measuring longitude] until the 17th



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