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本科学生毕业设计 多功能清洗车改装设计 名称: 汽车与交通工程学院 专业班级: 车辆工程 B07-4班 学生姓名: 孙正阳 指导教师: 苏清源 职 称: 副教授 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一一年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree Design of Multi-functional cleaning cars Candidate:Sun Zengyang Specialty:Veheicle Engineering Class:B07-4 Supervisor:Associate Prof. Su Qingyuan Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2011-06·Harbin 摘 要 ,,确定多功能清洗车的总体设计方案;对二类底盘的计算与选择; 对清洗水罐的选择与设计; 清洗作业平台及清洗装置;对整车的结构及副车架的设计;对多功能清洗车进行整车性能分析。最后所设计出来的是一个以高压清洗车为主洒水、浇灌、降温、防尘等为辅的的多功能清洗车。 关键词:;;高压清洗;;装置 ABSTRACT With the development of our national economy, improvement of peoples living standard, the size of a city is more and more big.The Old-fashioned city greeningcleaning car can complete the task of water water, or From the economic or other aspects , will need new sprinkler; Meanwhile according to remove existing city psoriasis advertising and transport facilities, with manpower still mainly cleaning and multi-function cleaning cars have broad application prospects. So this design with sprinkles as the prototype be modified design thus increasing the function of new cleaning cars. So this paper with multi-function car modification design for cleaning the main content of the topic, the design has the following aspects, determine the multi-function cleaning car overall design scheme; Category ii chassis calculation and selection; Water to clean the selection and design; Cleaning work platform and cleaning device; The structure of the vehicle and the design of x; Car of multi-function cleaning vehicle performance analysis. Finally designed a high-pressure cleaning cars and water cooling mainly sprinkling, dust-proof, etc, supplemented by multifunctional cleaning cars. Key words:Modification Design ;Multi-functional;H igh-pressure cleaning; Type chassis;Cleaning device 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 第1章 绪论…………………


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