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Contents The action drama has a huge impact, sustained and efficient kinetic energy, a series of external adventure and events, often involved in the chase (hiking and transportation), rescue, fighting, devastating disasters (floods, explosions, fires and natural disasters, etc.), fleeing, continuous movement, amazing rhythm speed and adventure hero, all core action paragraphs are provided for the audience to provide a enjoyment about pure escape. 《尼基塔》是美国CW电视台推出的又一部谍战电视连续剧,改编自法国著名导演吕克贝松的经典作。Alex是杀手组织中的一名新丁,她正试图弄清到底是谁欺骗了她,以及为什么传奇的Nikita会选择孤注一掷叛逃。 第一季已出22集(已完结),第二季23集已 完结(中国2012.5.19),第三季22集已完结 (中国2013.5.18),第四季6集已完结(中国2013.12.28) 《绿箭侠》(Arrow),是一部于美国时间 2012年10月10日在CW电视台首播的动作冒险剧,由斯蒂芬·阿梅尔、凯蒂·卡西迪、薇拉·贺兰德、科林·萨尔蒙、约翰·巴洛曼等主演。 《绿箭侠》改编自“DC漫画”中的经典故事,讲述了亿万阔少奥利弗·奎因遭遇海难,困于小岛五年后被渔民救起,重返故乡斯塔灵市。奥利弗在炼狱岛上揭开了父亲参与的一场恐怖计划,同岛上的外国雇佣兵、黑手党、恐怖分子之间发生了一系列故事。 Comedy is a type of drama,it often use exaggeration, ingenious structure, witty lines and the comedy character portrayal to attractive to the ugly, funny to laugh , affirm the normal life and good ideal. 中美喜剧对比 Different:National style(民族风格):national style embodies the characteristics of literary style .It is the traditional culture and characteristics of the nation in the comedy. American often pursuit the language sense of humorious.Chinese comedy originated from the national culture, we often use a lot of local dialect. Eg: 额滴神啊!!《武林外传》佟湘玉经典台词 I am laundry virgin。。我从未洗过衣服。《老友记》 Performing style:In China ,we often use the language of sketch (小品),it is very funny 。Eg:血压高,血脂高,就收入不高。业绩不突出,政绩不突出,光腰间盘突出。(武林外传) In American,they often use a lot of performing form and body language ,like kiss ,Antics。 Same: Period style(时代风格):they all show the integrative manifestation in the era the people of a nation how to use the characteristics of their language . Eg:friends reflects the post-industrial era, the American middle class living conditions and mental outlook. Eg:Ross:I,just never think of money as an issue. Rachel:th