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2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试《通用英语选读》培训笔记(考过的大题已标出)目录51. Those Fascinating Northern Lights 迷人的北极光(2016新版)252 Sales Promotion 产品促销653. Oil Refining 石油炼制(2016新增)654 Another Happiness 另一种快乐1355. It’s never too Late for Success成功不分早晚(2016新增)1656 Why To Mark a Book 怎样在书上做标记2057 Earths Last Frontier:The Sea 海洋,地球最后的待开发疆域2558. Our Many Responses to Pain New3159. Forest Fires: a Major Disaster New3660 Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 为什么要勘探南极洲41温馨小语:每篇“学习笔记”将可能涉及到的“考点”做了重点标记,它们基于“职称考试”的四个主要方面,即词汇、语法、阅读和翻译,所以在学习中要认真体会,找到自己要重点学习的内容。跳过每一段英文原文,只通篇看下“带有英文”的中文部分。。。是不是感觉清楚了课文大致要说的内容?熟悉中文意思,在考试中也是很有帮助的,特别是在回答阅读类的选择题时,如果它恰好又是你在此读过的一篇课文,你一定会用最短的时间,找到正确的答案。考试的题量可不小,要在此处抢得先机。过段时间,再来温习下吧。51. Those Fascinating Northern Lights迷人的北极光(2016新增)1.At 10:00 p.m. on March 23,1969, the Bowater Power Water Company in Deer Lake, Newfoundland experienced a disturbance on its system. The frequency converter at Comer Brook tripped off, shutting down half of the big paper mill. There was a radio blackout over most of the Atlantic Provinces. And accompanying these activities was a magnificient display of northern lights — boiling up out of the north and hanging in bundles of long rays like draperies across the sky. Ninety-three million miles away, a rather ugly looking sunspot was making its way across the disc of the sun.1.1969年3月23曰晚上10点,保华特水电公司(the Bowater Power Water Company)位于纽芬兰(Newfoundland)鹿湖的设备系统出现了异常;科纳布鲁克(ComerBrook)的变频器跳间,使得一半的大造纸厂停产;大西洋沿岸各省的无线电中断。伴随这些异常出现的还有辉煌的北极光——从北面喷涌而出,一束束巨大的光束像帷幔一般遮盖了整个天际。9300万英里之外,一个相形见绌的太阳黑子出现在太阳的圆盘上。2.This little drama demonstrated once again the close relationship of the earth with the sun, and the importance of the intervening space.2.这个小小的插曲再次展现了地球和太阳的亲密关系以及介入空间的重要性。3.During the past several years twelve similar disturbances have taken place in this area. A magnetic storm in November, 1960, was so severe its effects were felt all over Canada. The C.N.T. people alone suffered $3 million worth of equipment damage. At their height of excitement, sunspots can bring on violent mag


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