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both “两者都”,指两个人或事物。作主语时谓语用复数; 作定语时后跟名词复数。可以跟of连用。 如: There are trees on both sides of the street.   Both of them are right. * either, neither both, all either/neither neither “(两者)都不”,含有否定意义,作主语时谓语用第三人称单数; 作定语时后跟名词单数。 如:两个答案都不对。 Neither answer is right. either “两者中任何一个”,作主语时谓语用第三人称单数; 作定语时后跟名词单数。 There are trees on either side of the street. = There are trees on both sides of the street. Pron.两者都不 Neither of them likes cats. Pron.两者中的任何一个 Either of the words is right. Adj.两者都不 谓语v.用单数 Neither has passed the exam. Adj. 两者中任一的 谓语v.用单数 There are trees on either side of the street. adv. “也不” I can’t understand. Neither can I./ Me neither. Adv.同样的,也 He doesn’t like noodles and I don’t either.(=too) neither either 他不喜欢面条我也不喜欢。 街道两边都种着树。 这两个词都是对的。 我不明白。 我也不明白。 两个都没有考及格。 他们两个都不喜欢猫。 all/both all“全部”,指三个或三个以上的人或事物,可以修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。谓语动词的单复数形式由所修饰的名词决定。 如:All the students are here. All the food is here. both of/either of/neither of 翻译: 1、他们俩都游得很好。 ____ ____ _____ swim well. 2、你们俩随便谁去北京都可以。 ____ ____ you _____ to Beijing. 3、他们俩谁都不停下来休息。 ____ ____ ____ stopped to have a rest. Both of them Either of goes Neither of them My father neither smokes nor drinks. Neither they nor I have finished the task. Either he or his friends are wrong. Either you or she has to do that. Neither …nor 既不…也不… Either …or 要么…要么… 要么他错, 要么他的朋友们错。 我的父亲既不吸烟, 也不喝酒。 (谓语v.)就近原则 不是你做,就是她做。 我和他们都没有完成任务。 both…and(谓语动词用复数形式) either…or/neither…nor Tom 和 Lucy 都在二年级。 Both Tom and Lucy are in Grade Two. 我爸爸或是我妈妈在家烧饭。 Either my father or my mother cooks at home. 我和他今天都没空。 Neither he nor I am free today. (谓语动词遵循就近原则) 用either, neither填空并对括号内的词做出选择 1. 这两者的任一个都可以。 ? _______(is, are) OK. 2. 他们两人的任一个都没考及格。 ?_______ (has, have) passed in the examination. 3. 河边种着树。 ?There are trees on (both, neither, all) sides of the river. ?There are trees on (side, sides) of the river. 4. 这两本书中没有一本令我读起来有趣。 _______(book


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