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中国氯碱行业发展报告 China Chlor-Alkali Industry Development Report 中国氯碱工业协会 China Chlor-Alkali Industry Association 2014.10 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 2000-2014年上半年国内烧碱供需状况 China Caustic Soda Supply and Demand, from 2000-first half of 2014 单位:万吨 Unit: 10KT 从2000-2012年,我国烧碱产能年均增长率达到13.7%;产量年均增长率约12.4%。2013年烧碱产能增长率回落到3%,产量增长率在5.7%。2014年上半年,产能增长放缓,增长率回落到1.6%,产量同比增长率在10.9%。 From 2000 to 2012, the annual capacity growth rate of domestic caustic soda reached 13.7%, with the annual output growth rate at about 12.4%. In 2013, the annual capacity growth rate fell back to 3%, with the output figure at 5.7%. During the first half of 2014, capacity grew at a slower pace, with the growth rate dropping to about 1.6%, and the output volume is up by 10.9 over the same period last year. 中国氯碱行业基本情况 Present Status of China Chlor-Alkali Industry 产能 Capacity 产量 Output 2000 800 665 2005 1471 1240 2010 3021 2087 2012 3736 2699 2013 3850 2854 2014年上半年 First half of 2014 3912 1580 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 2000-2014年上半年国内聚氯乙烯供需状况 China PVC Supply and Demand, from 2000-first half of 2014 单位:万吨 Unit: 10KT 从2000-2012年,我国聚氯乙烯产能年均增长率达到18.0%;产量年均增长率15.3%。2013年我国聚氯乙烯产能增长率回落到5.8%,产量增长率有14%。2014年上半年我国聚氯乙烯产能增长率回落到4%,产量同比增长率在13.3%。 From 2000 to 2012, China PVC annual capacity growth rate hit 18.0%, and the annual output growth rate reaching 15.3%. In 2013, the capacity figure is reported to be 5.8% , with that of output at 14%. During the first half of 2014, both figures went down to 4% and 13.3% respectively. 中国氯碱行业基本情况 Present Status of China Chlor-Alkali Industry 产能 Capacity 产量 Output 2000 320 239 2005 972 670 2010 2043 1130 2012 2341 1318 2013 2476 1530 2014年上半年 First half of 2014 2500 812 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 2014年上半年国内氯碱


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