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Look at the following sentences. Xi Jinping is the leader that many Chinese people love. We all know Xi Jinping whose wife is Peng Liyuan. Jay Chou is the singer who is very popular among many young people. Jay Chou writes many songs which are popular among the youth. The Attributive Clause 定 语 从 句 After the class, you’ll be able to: 1, Understand those attributive clauses with that, which, who, whose, when, where, why. 2, make simple sentences with that, which, who whose, when, where, why. How can you make the following two sentences into one? 1, I have a friend. 2, My friend likes making faces Do you find something in common? Yes, a friend and my friend are the same person. Our answer is: I have a friend who likes making faces. So as you can see that who in this sentence takes the place of a friend. But they are the same. 注意:英语中一个词只能做一个成分,如a friend作了动词have的宾语,所以就不能再做like的主语了,所以我们用关系代词who代替了它。 The same principle 1, I will never forget the old beggar. 2, The old beggar donates all his money to our school. You will write: I will never forget the old beggar that/who donates all his money to our school. Observe and learn: 1. He is the man who/that is crazy about spicy food. (subject主语) 2. The car that/which was stolen has been found. (subject) 3. You give me the book which/that I am looking for. (object宾语) 4. I have a pen whose color is blue. (attribute定语) T h i n k? 哪类词叫做先行词,为什么叫先行词? 1. I want to be a man that everyone admires. 本句中a man 就是先行名词,因其位置在从句之前,所以叫做先行词或先行项。 Fill in the blanks with the right relative pronoun(关系代词) 1.Football is the most interesting game_________ I like playing. 2. He knows everything ________ I know. 3. I meet a student _______ dream is to be a leader of the country. 4.There’s no person ___ doesn’t make mistakes. 常使用that的几种情况: 1.当先行词是all, everything, something, anything等不定代词时,常用that。 2.当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级形式修饰时,常用that。 3.当并列的两个先行词分别表示人或物时,常用that。 Observe the following sentences. 1. I’ll never forget the day when my mom cried before


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