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Friendshipwhat is a friend?1. a person with whom you are acquainted 2,an associate who provides cooperation or assistance 3,a person you know well and regard with affection and trust 4,a person who backs a politician or a team etc.朋友(/subview/13616/8045497.htm友情)是指在特定条件下由/view/1877940.htm双方都认可的认知模式联系在一起的不分年龄、/subview/26498htm性别、地域、/view/160811.htm种族、社会角色和宗教信仰的相互尊重、相互分享美好事物、可以在对方需要的时候自觉给予力所能及的帮助的人及其持久的关系,其最高境界是知己。Friends (friendship) is refers to in certain conditions people with the same cognitive model of contact together with each other regardless of age, sex, region, race, social roles and religious beliefs of the mutual respect, share good things with each other, can be in need each other when consciously give force to help people and lasting relationship. The highest level is the friend.Use a word or a sentence to describe friendship?有福同享有难同当:Share bliss and misfortune together:朋友多了路好走:friends make tough easier 没有永远的朋友只有不变的利益:No permanent friends, only permanent interests欢聚happy get-together; happy reunion 天长地久enduring as the universe愉快pleasant; happy; joyful; merry; brighten 淡水之交water relationships合作cooperation、共赏Appreciate患难之交Companion in adversity深交be intimate friends、容易沟通Easy to communicate、互助help each otherwhat is the most important thing between friends?关心concerning坚持persistence细水长流Water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust理解understanding共同话题Common topic信任trust守护protectionCan friendship last long when the age gap occurred?will you be friend with those who are far more brilliant than you? will you be Jealous of the success of a friend?will you be friend with those who are far more good-looking than you? What about ugly? it is the era that people focus on ones appearance? how do you think about it?Will you condemn your good fiend for doing sth that offend the law?will you break off with him/her?and what if that’s a thing do bad to you?(heart you)迫于无奈Under the helplessyour friend borrowed money from you and do not pay back even l


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