GIS设计7 ArcObjects开发与实践.ppt

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AO的组织划分 3D Analyst Extension ---用于3D可视化和表面建模的组件对象; Application Framework ---让开发者在ArcMap和ArcCatalong中通过程序来定制用户界面; ArcCatalog --- 能够让开发者扩展数据对象模型并集成定制对象和视图到ArcCatalog应用框架中;. ArcMap --- 提供了ArcMap应用程序的核心功能,用于操作和显示地图文档; ArcMap Editor--- 包括了对象编辑器扩展组件对象,要做编辑开发来这吧; Display --- GIS的一个重要应用就是数据表现,对国内的许多最终用户更是热衷于此,利用这里包含的对象可以完成诸如地图符号显示、图形编辑 反馈轨迹、坐标转换和屏幕控制等功能; Geocoding --- 主要用于创建和管理地理编码服务等; AO的组织划分 Geodatabase--- AO开发中一个不可或缺,毕竟GIS的应用都是围绕数据展开的,所以有关的GIS数据创建、加载、管理和存储等都是通过这里的对 象进行的; Geometry--- 不管是要素还是图形,涉及到空间信息的获取和应用来这儿找吧; IMS ---提供了连接到ArcIMS服务器并访问ArcIMS图象和要素服务的功能; NetWork--- 提供了网络创建、管理和完成分析操作等功能,打算定制和开发特定网络应用可以利用NetWork对象; OutPut ---有入就有出,如果想把制作好的地图输出怎么办,通过这里提供的对象来完成吧; Raster --- 用于访问和管理栅格数据的的AO对象; Spatial Reference--- 用于完成空间参考的设置; StreetMap USA Extension---这个和国内的用户关系不大。 VBA开发环境演示 * COM interfaces Developing with COM means developing using interfaces. All communication between COM components happens via the components’ interfaces. Interfaces are standardized by COM rules, so it does not matter what language is used to create a class. Interfaces help a class evolve over time because new interfaces can be added. However, once an interface is added, it can never be removed. The actual implementation can be altered (e.g., an algorithm can be updated without breaking any third party developer code), but the interface is permanent. Why interfaces? Some object-oriented programming languages use only classes and objects without interfaces. Problems can arise when a class needs to be updated and code changes. As the class and its code evolve, client code could become obsolete, and any client code using the class (instantiating it and using its properties and methods) may be caused to fail. For example, imagine a car dealer installing the latest stereo in your car. The new stereo has an AM/FM radio and a CD player. But what if you own cassettes, not CDs? Programming with interfaces would allow the dealer to install the new CD interface without changing or removing the cassette inter


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