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[摘要]随着生产和科技的发展,针对滴灌施肥控制系统中的实际情况,本设计采用基于软件King View 6.53的监控系统,结合传感器技术、PLC技术和微机监测技术构建计算机监控系统。随着现代控制技术的发展,本设计以PC机作为上位机,实时监控液位、流量、压力及各种肥的浓度等被控量的信息状态,不但可以使用户实时了解被控量,而且可以很方便的下达控制指令。在滴灌施肥过程中通过上位PC机的实时监控程序对施肥过程中的状态参数(如EC/PH值、流量、液位、实时曲线等)进行实时显示,对数据进行保存和处理,并且能够按照用户设置的施肥程序实时自动的控制施肥液浓度、施肥量和施肥时间等参数,执行精确的施肥过程,提高农产品的产量和品质。
本设计使用的King View 6.53软件以及其所带的控件构成的系统能够完成数据的采集,监测,实时控制等功能,同时完成数据保存、查看以及报警功能等等,实现趋势分析、显示。本设计完全能实现滴灌施肥控制系统中监测与控制,能够满足用户的需求。
关键词: 滴灌施肥 自动控制 组态软件 可编程控制器
Fertigation device control system design
Abstract: with the development of production and technology, in view of the actual situation in the control system of drip fertigation, the design of the monitoring system software based on King View 6.53, construction of computer monitoring system combined with the sensor technology, PLC technology and computer monitoring technology. With the development of modern control technology, the design of the PC machine as the position machine, real-time monitoring of liquid level, flow, pressure and concentration of various fertilizer amount charged state information, not only can the user real-time understanding of the controlled quantity, but also can make control instruction is very convenient. Through the upper PC real-time monitoring program of state parameters in the process of fertilization in drip irrigation and fertilization process (such as EC/ pH, flow, level, real-time curve) for real-time display, preservation and processing of the data, and the parameters can be set by the user application program of real-time automatic control of fertilizer solution concentration, amount of fertilizer and fertilization time, perform fertilization process accurately, improve the yield and quality of farm products.
System design using King View 6.53 software and control the belt can complete the data collection, monitoring, real-time control functions, at the same time, data save, view and alarm functions and so on, trend analysis, display. This design can fully
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