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2011级旅游管理专业《消费行为学》论文 大学生旅游消费行为探析 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: ’ tourist market has become our country tourism market potential extremely important strength. With the increasing enrollment of students in institutions of higher education, the relaxing limitations on the age for the college entrance examination and so many reforms of higher education like these are put into practice, the size of the domestic college students expands continuously. It also promotes the rapid growth of the tourism market in the colleges students at the same time. Consequently, according to the tourism motives and purchase characteristics of the college students, analyzing the characteristics of marketable products and marketing strategy is not only conducive to the development of tourism enterprises and the successful operation of the market but also has far-reaching significance for a long-term development of China’s tourism industry. In this paper, based on the tourism market of college students present situation, characteristic demand motive, consumer behavior and its influence factors analysis, some suggestions on how to develop the tourism market of college students put forward. Key Words:college students tourism, tourism consumption behavior, tourism market 目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 1.大学生旅游市场现状分析 1 1.1市场潜力分析 1 1.2需求分析 1 2.大学生旅游消费行为动机分析 2 2.1探索新知识心理 2 2.2充实课余生活心理 2 2.3缓解精神压力心理 2 2.4从众与顺从心理 3 3.大学生旅游消费行为特征分析 3 3.1旅游方式的多样性 3 3.2旅游行为的普遍性 3 3.3旅游消费的水平低 3 3.4旅游内容的丰富性 4 3.5旅游时间的集中性 4 4.大学生旅游消费行为影响因素分析 4 4.1大学生心理因素 4 4.2外部环境因素 5 5.大学生旅游消费行为影响因素分析 6 5.1创建大学生旅游品牌,培养长期市场 6 5.2培养潜在市场 6 5.3开发大学生远途旅游线路,采用灵活的收费方式 7 5.4开发面向大学生的旅游产品 7 总结 8 参 考 文 献 9 1. 大学生旅游市场现状分析 1.1市场潜力分析 随着年龄的增长,大学生的心理特征与童年时期相比,发生了很大的变化,他们渴望自由,渴望新知识,向往外面的世界,追求新异的事物,希望开阔眼界、增长知识。 1.1.1生活水平的提高,为大学生旅游市场提供了坚实的经济基础。 随着GDP的提高,人们用于旅游的支出会不断增长,父母将会有更大的能力为孩子提供一定的出去旅游的费用。现在,高校为学生提供了奖学金、助学金,同时还提供了很多勤工俭学的机会,这也为在校的大学生提供了一定的经济条件,从而构成旅游活动的一个重要前提,有了可自由支配的钱,旅游才能付


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