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汉英对比与翻译教学 华东师范大学 张春柏 I. 为什么要对比 (why): to help improve the teaching/learning of translation, composition, and grammar II. 比什么(What): From words to sentences and discourse, as well as ways of thinking. My purpose here: to call our attention to the importance of form in the teaching/learning of translation 1) word form: morphology (as well as sounds, esp. in poetry) 2) sentence form: structure 3) cohesion: how sentences are connected to each other to form a coherent piece of discourse III. 怎么比(how) Focus: differences ★An assumption: form is meaning or part of meaning cf. Chinese words: no change in form 3.1 词汇层面(形式、意义) 3.1.1 词汇的形式:英语词汇的形态变化,如: 1. 同一个词不同的词性(e.g. arrive, arrival, to arrive, arriving;beauty, beautiful, beautify; inform, informative, information) 2. 各类词的不同语法形式,如名词的性、数、格和动词的时态、语态、语气等 e.g. 1) 他去看儿子去了. (son, sons?) 2) John’s book 3) A: Dad, I missed you. B: Missed or miss? A: Both. 4) A: You can’t arrest me. I’m Norfolk. B: You were Norfolk. --Queen Ilizabeth “黔之驴”: (5) 突然, 驴子叫唤了一声, 老虎以为它要咬自己, 便吓得逃走了. (6) 几天以后,老虎听惯了驴子的叫声, 不再那么害怕了。 (7) 驴子不仅大叫起来,并用后蹄狠狠地踢老虎. 5a) gave a loud bray 6a) got used to the donkey’s braying (cf. brays) 7a) not only brayed loudly… 8)随后跳舞开始了。 8a) Then they danced. 8b) Then they began to dance. 8c) Then the dance began. 8d) Then dancing began. 3.1.2 词汇的意义 1) 词义的确定问题 村民们向解放军战士泼水,他们也笑着回敬. cf. 1a) …smiled and splashed back 1b) …splashed back smilingly 1c) …laughed and splashed back 1d) …splashed back laughingly 2) 这是中国从几十年的建设中得出的经验. That is what we have learned from decades of development. 3)社会主义中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治,永不称霸。 Socialist China should show the world through its actions that it opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. 5) 1979年10月去英国,第一次看到国外的情况,对比自己的国家,我心里比较难受。 Ref. In October, 1979 I went to England. There I came to see conditions quite new to me; comparing them with those


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