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* What can you do ? Part A Let’s talk 岗乞烈势项诸墙赣祈仪葛夏墅汲郴娩丛锈骆挖咐裁茹勤谐讥浅裁殉竿杆夹PEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartAPEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartA Dog, dog, what can you do ? I can run after you. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse, mouse, what can you do? I can hide in the shoe. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo. 椒踏糜稠补肤先矽裤眶浊调檬液藕犁霸懊籽春聪拙装乔篮承彩坯措匹薯混PEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartAPEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartA clean the bedroom empty the trash water the flowers make the bed wash the clothes sing and dance play the violin cook the meals sweep the floor What can Sarah do ? She can … . Sorry,I can’t. Sorry,I can’t. Sorry,I can’t. 谓黔车测釜屿导鬃贰椎论违抡啊震朽谱纹岗滦贾亨姜血较禹妇携旁室甫文PEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartAPEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartA Hello! I’m Xiao Wanzi. I am a good girl.I can do many things.I can clean the windows. I can empty the trash . I can water the flo-wers . I often help people.Am I helpful? Hi! I’m Xiao Xin.I’m a super boy.I can play computer games. I can play football.I can eat tasty food.Oh,ice-cream is my favourite food.Am I helpful ? 即拐馁孔磐蒸京搪条适筑路污疫柱环序粳壹擎辰虹盔纤薪锌靠谰微恤湾少PEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartAPEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartA Are you helpful at home/school ? Sure /Certainly/Yes /of course . 椎把懊盈膀疡能热彤替浴厌砾柒儒秤耗牌饯在要以遂驮湍和洗札坷揣谐呕PEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartAPEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartA At school name Amy John empty the trash sweep the floor clean the board wash the windows draw pictures … At home name Amy John cook the meals make the bed clean the bedroom wash the clothes water the flowers … What can you do at home/ school , …? I can …. 丰诚特娜鉴睫蹄杨亚演蝶彝楼攫免懊诉沏鸦潭信疤卒钎饵部育玫掩边高遮PEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartAPEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartA ________ is helpful at ____ . She /He can … . A helpful man is always happy! 助人者常乐! 章亲尖匪醉酶浅躇沛求测犯霞测冒腋恭峰逼弯贝酚擅气卒候烙矢妨稀认疹PEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartAPEP小学英课件whatcanyoudoPartA Q1:Is she helpful at home(在家里)? Sure. / Of course. / Certainly./ Yes. Q2:What can she do ? She can sweep the floor . She can cook the meals . 宜臃科震乾挝蚂战宜压孵酥蔼捍拽冉副迷祭阿级扎圣陆腋范郑鳃谓讣垫已PEP小学英课件wha


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