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《英语词汇学》 期末考核论文 2013-2014-1 论文题目 英语新词的发展 姓 名 童盼虹 学 号 1112100215 班 级 英语1102 任课教师 梁乐园 英语新词的发展 中文摘要: 我们平时阅读英语报刊杂志、收听英语广播时总会碰到不少新的英语词汇,它们是英语语言中的鲜活成分和重要的组成部分。英语词汇在不断发展,尤其是第二次世界大战结束以来,时代在变化,科技在发展,每年进入数据库的大约有1500—1600个。 本文探讨了英语词汇的发展原因和发展途径,对英语词汇的发展English abstract: We normally reading English newspapers and magazines and listening to English radio always run into a lot of new English words. They are fresh ingredients and important part of English language. English vocabulary in the unceasing development, especially since the end of the second World War, The Times change, science and technology in the development, the people in the course of the exchange created some new words and that adapt to the situation. And these new words are created through various methods. Through the understanding of the latest development, English learners can have a good command of English this language, and every year into the database about 1500-1600. In this paper, the composition of the English vocabulary is briefly summarized, then discusses the reasons and the development of the English vocabulary and the factors affecting the development way. At last, English vocabulary development is summarized, showing that the language is a mirror image of social development and the most important carrier of the human mind. Key words: English words, society, development, important part. 引言: “新词”(neologism或vogue words)指的是某一段时期内或自某一时间点以来首次出现的词,往往是出于对新事物进行描写的需要而出现的词,也指词典上还没有收录的词语,如很多词典后面增补的词语就是新词。英语的发展总是和社会历史的进程融合在一起的,英语词汇的扩展是对新的历史条件和社会发展要求的反映。任何一个英语变体的形成都伴随着英语新词的大量出现,新词构成了英语词汇发展中一道生动而亮丽的风景线。 伴随着英国16和17世纪的对外殖民扩张,18和19世纪工业革命技术的对外传播,以及20世纪世界大战的影响,英语在世界上得到广泛传播,英语人口急剧增长。与此同时英语词汇也有了快速增长。 英语词汇的增长大致可以从三个方面来看。一是英语在世界上广泛传播的过程中吸收了各地的文化,从地方语言中借用很多词语,这一方式在20世纪以前的英语词汇增长中占重要地位,现在又随着英语球土化的深入继续影响着英语词汇的发展;二是从社会文化角度看,英语词汇的增长跟科学技术的进步,政治经济的变化,文体教育的发展,网


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