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Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 1c. 本课重点活动是1a和1c。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求 1. Master the new word and phrase: pioneer, spend…(in) doing 2. Learn attributive clauses which use“who”and“whose”. (1)He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature and human behavior. (2)He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. 3. Talk about historical people and historic events of China. 4. Let the students learn about Chinese culture, and improve the sense of national pride. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 录音机/教学图片/多媒体课件 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:20分钟) 教师用常见的谚语和孔子名言呈现并介绍孔子,引出定语从句。 1. (教师收集一些名言和谚语,让学生分组进行翻译,以竞赛的形式完成。其中要包含关于孔子的名言和谚语,便于呈现孔子。) 步骤:(1)教师分组,两人一组。 (2)把事先准备好的名言和谚语发给每组,每组两条名言和谚语,一条英译汉,一条汉译英。 (3)做好的交给教师,教师检查并对好的进行表扬。 (4)把所有名言和谚语用小黑板展示,让学生选择两条自己最喜欢的速记。 (5)把自己喜欢的名言和谚语说给同伴听。 (6)教师选择孔子的名言和谚语,呈现孔子,并进行简单的介绍,呈现who引导的定语从句。 T: Let’s have a competition. Work in pairs. I have some sentences on these paper. Please translate them with your partner. Let’s begin. (教师搜集的名言和谚语可参考下面小黑板呈现的内容,进行英汉转化。) T: OK, let’s look at your translations together. Group1… (教师把收集的名言和谚语以小黑板的形式展示出来。) T: Look at the small blackboard. Here are some sayings. From No. 5 to No. 8 are Confucius’ sayings. (1)Two heads are better than one. (2)The early bird catches the worms. (3)Love me, love my dog. (4)Where there is a will, there is a way. (5)When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them. (6)What you know, you know; what you don’t know, you don’t know. (7)He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. (8)Isn’t it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away? (9)Learn the new while reviewing the old. T: Which is your favorite? Can you tell me? S1: … S2: … S3: … (教师总结并引出Confucius。) T: Do you know about Confucius? Confucius was a pioneer in the field of education. He was also a


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