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湖南省粮油食品进出口集团有限公司Hunan Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Group Co., Ltd.. 关于我们 About Us 今日粮油 Cereals and Oils Today 回顾历史 History Review 经营理念 Business Philosophy 管理团队 Management Team 关联企业 Affiliated Enterprise 品牌与商标 Brand and Trademark 新闻与活动 News and Events 人才招聘 Personnel Recruitment 湖南省粮油食品进出口集团有限公司是湖南省国资委下属监管国有独资企业。截止2009年12月31日,集团总资产规模为11.84亿元,净资产7.53亿元。集团公司自1952年创建以来,无论是出口品种、规模还是出口市场都得到了较快地发展,企业资产不断壮大,多年来一直是湖南省规模最大、效益较好的农副及加工产品的专业进出口企业。在国家和湖南省宏观经济形势和产业结构调整的大背景下,粮油集团积极求变,着力于农副产品产业链的完善及新业务形态的开拓,在传统的生猪养殖及出口、果蔬类罐头的出口主营业务之外,现已涉足农副产品的加工生产、医疗器械进口及国内贸易、物业管理、出口代理等行业领域,初步形成多个业务单元齐头并进的良好局面。 Hunan Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Group Co., Ltd. is a solely state-owned enterprise affiliated to and supervised by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hunan Province. By December 12, 2009, the total assets of the Group amounted to RMB 1.184 billion Yuan and the net assets amounted to RMB 753 million Yuan. Since the foundation in 1952, the Group has got very fast development whether in export items or export market and the assets has been increased continuously. Engaged in agricultural and sideline products and processing products, the Group has always been an import and export enterprise of larger scale and better benefit for many years in Hunan province. Under the adjustment of macro-economic situation and industrial structure made by the state and Hunan Province, the Group is actively looking for changes and focusing in improving the industry chain of agricultural and sideline products and developing new business. Besides the major traditional business, such as pig-raising export and canned fruit export, the Group now has been involved in many fields such as the processing and production of agricultural and sideline products, import of medical equipment, domestic trade, property management and export agency service, initially forming a situation in which a variety of business is developing together. 发展思路和发展目标 Ideas and ob


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