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What Is Software?什么是软件?:Software is corresponding and related to hardware, both are components of computer system. It’s a integrated collection which includes Programs, Data and Documents.软件是计算机系统中与硬件相互依存的另一部分,它是包括程序、数据及其相关文档的完整集合。 Program is serious of instructions that perform according to initially designed function and performance requirement;程序是按事先设计的功能和性能要求执行的指令序列 Documents are text and graphic materials that are related to program developing, maintaining and using. 文档是与程序开发、维护和使用有关的图文材料 Phenomena of Software Crisis 软件危机的表现 Cost and schedule of developing can not be estimated accurately. 对软件开发成本和进度的估计常常很不准确 User are always unsatisfied with delivered software system. 用户对“已完成的”软件系统不满意的现象经常发生 Quality of software are usually poor. 软件产品的质量往往靠不住 Software can hardly be maintained. 软件常常是不可维护的 There is always no proper document of software. 软件通常没有适当的文档资料 Proportion of software cost in computer system are increasing. 软件成本在计算机系统总成本中所占的比例逐年上升 The progress of software productivity can not catch up with trend of pervasively using of computer. 软件开发生产率提高的速度,远远跟不上计算机应用迅速普及深入的趋势 Reason of Software Crisis 软件危机的原因 Some are because of characters of Software 自身性质的原因 Logicality of software 逻辑特性 Complexity of software 复杂性 Large scale of software 大规模特性 Some are because of wrong developing and maintaining method 过程的原因(开发和维护方法错误的原因) Neglecting the importance of requirement analysis 忽视需求分析 Consider developing to be writing program and making it run 认为开发就是写程序并使之运行 Despising of maintaining of software 轻视软件的维护 Tools :instrument or automated system for accomplishing something in a better way. 工具:为较好完成一件事情的设备或自动化系统。 procedures :recipe for combination of tools and techniques, produce a particular product.过程:将技术和工具结合的方法,来生产一个特定的产品。 paradigms :style of doing something规范:做某事的样式。 Software engineers use tools, techniques(method), procedures, and paradigms to enhance the quality of their software products. Their aim is to use efficient and productive approaches to generate effect



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