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剃齿刀齿廓修形样条方法优化与制作 [摘要]剃齿加工作为齿轮精加工的方法之一,因其效率高、成本低而被广泛的应用于齿轮制造领域。然而用标准渐开线齿形剃齿刀剃齿后,在工件齿形节点附近会出现不同程度的“中凹”现象。这样剃后齿形不仅影响齿轮的传动精度,而且会增大传动噪声,缩短齿轮的使用寿命。虽然现阶段对于剃齿机理的研究有了突破性进展,但由于剃齿过程的复杂性,仍然没有给出误差产生的主要因素与误差量之间的定量解释。因此必须对剃齿中凹机理进行深入研究,并找到更有效的方法和措施来解决这一问题。本论文基于目前剃齿齿面修形的现状以及发展趋势做了以下研究工作: 1.以传统剃齿加工原理为基础,分析并总结了国内外剃齿工艺研究领域的主要成果,阐述了造成中凹误差的主要原因,以及目前解决中凹误差的主要措施。 2.在Pro/E平台上,对剃齿刀及齿轮实现了三维参数化实体造型并对它们进行了啮合装配;提出了渐开线齿廓以样条曲线表示,并参数化了此样条曲线,以达到对渐开线齿廓的自由修改。 3.以造成剃齿的主要因素——轮齿廓面受力状况,使用ANSYS软件模拟实际工作情况,对齿轮进行受力分析,并根据齿面受力状况修改齿廓面使齿面受力状况均等。 [关键词] 剃齿刀 样条 参数化 接触分析 实验设计 MODELING STUDY TO TOOTH SURFACE MODIFICATION OF SHAVING SUTTER ABSTRACT Gear shaving is one of gear finishing operations,which is widely used for most gear-making factories because of its high dfficiency and low cost. However, after shaved by shaving cutter with True involute profiles,there are the “mid-concave” phenomena on the pitch points of shaved gear tooth profiles inevitably. Gears shaved like this will not only influence gears transmission accuracy, but also generate much more noise while running, and shorten greatly the operating life of the gears. At present, although much has been achieved on the research of mechanics of shaving process, there is not much quantitative description about the weight of each error-generating factor to the generation of mid-concave error due to the complexity of shaving process. So it is necessary to study the shaving principle and take dffective measurements to solve it. The dissertation makes studies on tooth surface modification of shaving cutter based on present state and trend of development are as follows: Based on conventional shaving theory, the paper systematically analyses and summarize shaving process prime achievements of domestic and foreign, and expound main factors leading to mid-cave errors and main methods to solve mid-concave errors at present. Have Implemented three-dimensional parameterization entity modeling of shaving cutter and gear based on Pro/E; put forward involute p


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