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图书分类号: 密 级: 毕业设计(论文) 学生学号 学生姓名 XXXX 学院名称 XXXX 专业名称 XXX 指导教师 XX 2014年 6月 8日 基于PLC步进电机控制系统 摘要 随着微电子和计算机技术的发展,步进电机的需求量与日俱增,它广泛用于打印机、电动玩具等消费类产品以及数控机床、工业机器人、医疗器械等机电产品中,其在各个国民经济领域都有应用。研究步进电机的控制系统,对提高控制精度和响应速度、节约能源等都具有重要意义。 步进电机是将电脉冲信号变换成机械角位移的一种装置,每个脉冲使转轴步进一个步距角增量,输出角位移与输入脉冲数成正比,转速与输入脉冲成正比,转速与输入脉冲频率成正比。步进电机的控制方式简单,属于开环控制,且无累积定位误差,有较高的定位精度,而PLC作为一种工业控制微机,是实现电机一体化的有力工具,因此基于PLC的步进电机控制技术已广泛用于数字定位控制中。 本控制系统的设计,由硬件设计和软件设计两部分组成。其中,硬件设计主要包括步进电机的工作原理、步进电机的驱动电路设计、PLC的输入输出特性、PLC的外围电路设计以及PLC与步进电机的连接与匹配等问题的实现。软件设计包括主程序以及各个模块的控制程序,最终实现对步进电机转动方向及转动速度的控制。本系统具有智能性、实用性及可靠性的特点。Stepping motor control system based on PLC Abstract With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, the stepper motor is increasing demanded, which is widely used in printers, electric toys and other consumer products, and CNC machine tools, industrial robots, medical equipment and other electrical machinery products, and is applied in the national economy in various fields. Researching of stepper motor control system to improve the control accuracy and response speed, energy conservation is so important. Stepper motor is a device which will transform electrical pulses into mechanical angular displacement so that Shaft of each pulse to a step angle stepping increment, SO output angular displacement is proportional to the input pulses, speed is proportional to the input pulse speed and speed is proportional to input pulse frequency. Stepper motor control is simple, is open-loop control, and no accumulation of positioning error, a high positioning accuracy,and the PLC as an industrial control computer, is a powerful tool for the integration of the motor, Therefore, the stepper motor control based on PLC technology has been widely used for digital positioning control. The control system consists of hardware and software design of two parts. Among them, the hardware design includes the working principle of stepper motor, stepper motor drive circuit design, PLC input


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