基于单片机的电子万年历的设计与制作 毕业设计.doc

基于单片机的电子万年历的设计与制作 毕业设计.doc

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郑州航空工业管理学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题 目 基于单片机的电子万年历的设计与制作 二О一三年五月二十三日 摘 要 单片机应用技术飞速发展,从导弹的导航装置到飞机上各种仪表的控制,从计算机的网络通讯与数据传输到工业自动化过程的实时控制和数据处理,以及生活中广泛使用的各种智能IC卡、电子宠物等,这些都离不开单片机。单片机是集CPU、RAM、ROM 、定时、计数和多种接口于一体的微控制器。它体积小,成本低,功能强,广泛应用于智能产业和工业自动化上。 本文通过对一个基于单片机的能实现万年历功能电子时钟的设计,系统由主控制器STC89C52为控制中心,DS12C887产生时钟,DS18B20产生温度,12864液晶显示对日期、时间等进行显示,按键可以设置时间、闹钟等。能实现时钟、日历、时间和温度显示的功能。 今后万年历将会朝着精准度更高,外观更加美丽,价格更加实惠的方向发展,并且将会出现更多的辅助功能。 关键词:单片机,农历查询,万年历,温度显示 ABSTRACT As the rapid development of Single-chip Microcomputer Application technology, from the navigation device of missile to the various instruments on the aircraft control and from computer communication network and data transmission to industrial real-time automation process control and data processing, as well as the extensive use of the smart card and electronic pets in live, All of this is inseparable from the microcontroller. SCM is set to CPU, RAM, ROM, timing, counting and multiple interfaces in one microcontroller. It has the advantages of small volume, low cost, strong function, widely used in smart industries, and industrial automation. This paper designed a electronic clock which can achieve calendar function based on microcontroller, the system consists of main controller STC89C52, clock circuit, display circuit, DS12C887circuit, and a reset circuit components, the main control system as the control center, DS12C887 generates a clock, DS18B20 generates temperature, a 12864 LCD display the date and time, the key can set the time, alarm clock, achieved the clock calendar and time display function. In the future, the calendar will be more accurate, look more beautiful; more affordable prices of the direction of development, and will appear more auxiliary function. Keywords: Monolithic single-chip,lunar calendar demand, perpetual calendars display temperature 目 录 摘 要...............................................................I ABSTRACT............................................


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