uni的t3 period 1 warming-up and reading1.ppt

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jet [d?et] n. 喷气式飞机 jet lag [d?et l?ɡ] 时差反应 flashback [fl??b?k] n. 倒叙,闪回 previous [pri:vi?s] a. 以前的 uncertain [,?ns?:t?n] a. 不确定的 guide [ɡaid] n. 向导,导游 tablet [‘t?blit] n. 药片;写字板;小块 expertise [,eksp?:‘ti:z] n. 专门知识 capsule [‘k?psju:l] n. 胶囊 steward [stju?d] n. 男乘务员 stewardess [‘stu:?des] n. 女乘务员,空中小姐 opening [?up?ni?]n. 开始;开口 sideways [‘saidweiz] adv. 向侧面地 surrounding [s?‘raundi?] a. 周围的 tolerate [‘t?l?reit] vt. 忍受 combination [,k?mbinei??n] n. 结合,组合 lack [l?k] vt. 缺乏,缺少 adjustment [?d??stm?nt] n. 调整,调节 mask [mɑ:sk] n. 面罩(具) be back on ones feet (困境后)恢复 hover [h?v?] vi. 盘旋,翱翔;徘徊 carriage [k?rid?] n. 运输,运费;客车厢 press [pres] vt. 压,按 fasten [fɑ:sn] vt. 扣紧,扎牢 belt [belt] n. (皮)带 lose sight of不再看见 sweep up [收拾干净 flash [fl??] v. 闪光,闪现;反射 switch [swit?] vt. 转换 timetable [taimteibl] n. 时间表;课表 exhausted [iɡz?:stid] a. 极其疲惫的,精疲力竭的 slide into 不知不觉陷入 The main idea: The passage mainly talks about Li Qiang’s travel to the __________ and his______________ about it. Phrases and sentence patterns Homework 1.Read the text more than twice. 2.Read important phrases and sentences influently. 3.Preview language points of Top English. Read the fourth paragraph carefully and then answer the following questions. What did Wang Ping’s house look like? 2. What was the green wall made of ? What’s the purpose of building this kind of green wall? 1. What did Wang Ping’s house look like? His house was a large, bright clean room. It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting. 2. What was the green wall made of ? What’s the purpose of building this kind of green wall? The green wall was made of trees. The leaves of the trees will provide much-needed oxygen to the house. Comprehending Answer the questions. Why did Li Qiang go into the future? How did he feel when he left his own time? How did he get to the year 3008? Because he had won a prize that gave him a tour. He felt rather anxious but s



