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一、人称代词的用法 3)要注意这样的句子意思: a. I like you as much as her. (我喜欢你和喜欢她一样) b. I like you as much as she. (我和她一样喜欢你) c. I love you more than him. (我爱你胜过爱他) d. I love you more than he. (我比他更爱你.) 人称代词的顺序: 1)we you and they 2) you he she and I (但是:如果是承担责任时又将I放在最前面) 3)he and she 4)如果比自己地位的人在一起也将I置前 另类用法: 如果指心目中的人要用it _Who is there? _It is Li Ming. she通常还可以用来指国家,船只,大地,月亮,猫狗等,(在美国常用she指代狗,he指代猫)。 反身代词的句法功能: 1.作主语同位语 位置可以紧跟在主语后面也可以放在句子最后末尾。 You can go there yourself. You yourself can go there. 2.作宾语同位语 I often see him himself clean his office. 3.作表语 4.作宾语 (介词宾语和动词宾语) 5.作并列主语 填空:用反身代词(短语) 1.Yours is not a bad idea ____________. 2. Laura is not quite _________ today 3. Please don’t call on me. I am not_______ today. 4. What I said just now is only _____________. 5. If you don’t believe me, you can go and see ________________. 6. I don’t know when the door closed____________. 四,指示代词 5.相当于 so ,“这样,那样” Can hard work change a person that much? Sorry ,I can’t run this far? 6.one/some/it ___I want to find a hotel. Is there one nearby? ___Yes, there are some. The best one is very large. ___Can you tell me where it is? 7.some/certain/a(an) 1)Some/A certain boy is waiting for you.(有个男孩在等你) 2)Some/Certain boys are playing there.(有些男孩在等你) 3)Xiao Fang is there.(小芳在等你) 4)A Xiao Fang is there.(有个叫小芳的在等你) 8.名词的替代:(one, ones, that, those) 1)This ruler is longer than that one. 2)These rulers are longer than those ones. 3)This ruler is longer than that/the one on the desk. 4)These rulers are longer than those/the ones on the desk. 5)The water in this sea is deeper than that in that one. 6)This pair of shoes is older than that (pair). 7)This piece of paper is newer than that (piece). 解析: 1.一个名词在句中第二次出现的话,可数名词单数用one替代(如1),可数名词复数用ones替代(如2)。 2.一个名词在句中第二次出现且后面有定语的时候,可数名词单数用that/the one替代(如3),可数名词复数用those/the ones替代(如4),不可数名词只能用that替代(如5) 五,不定代词 1. every/each(每) every只能用于三者以上,each没有限制 1)There are trees on every/each side of the



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