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Unit 1 How tall are you ? Part A let’s learn Do a survey and report Learning goals 1.能够听、说、读、写五个形容词的比较级:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。 2.能够正确运用以上单词形容人的外在特点;理解比较级的基本构词规律,即在词尾加-er. 3.能够运用比较级完成调查和汇报活动。 older younger taller shorter longer shorter New words 认识比较级 tall long old short young er tall long old short young er er er er er summary 形容词比较级构成法一: 大部分直接在后面加er  older taller shorter …… Oh! I’m taller. I’m 1.62 metres. How tall are you? You’re older than me ,too. Chant Play roles How old are you? I’m 9 years old. Oh! I’m older. You’re taller than me, too. Example 体貌比较有方法 体貌比较公式: A+be动词+形容词比较级+than+B summary Do a survey and report Do a survey How old are you? I’m 12 years old. How tall are you? I’m 1.64 metres. Do the survey with your partner and fill in the form. Name Age Height Wu yifan 12 16.4m Wu Yifan is taller than John, but Zhang Peng is taller than Wu Yifan. Report Exercise Report your findings! summary 询问身高的句型 How tall are you ? 回答:I’m+身高+metre(s). 询问年龄的句型 How old are you ? 回答:I’m+岁数+year(s) old. 选 择 1. ______?tail?is?longer.??? A.?His?????B.?He?????C.?Him 2.?–?How?____?are?you??---40kg. A.?heavier??????B.?heavy?????C.?heavyer Exercise 3.?She?is?_______?than?me.? A.?heavier??????B.?heavy????C.?heavyer 4.?I‘m?_______?and?_______?than?you.? A.?big,?strong?????B.?biger,?stronger?? C.?bigger,?stronger 5.My?legs?are?longer?than?__________.? A.?you?????B.?your???????C.?yours 练一练:连词成句 1.tall how you are ________________________ 2.large your room how is ____________________________ 3. 10 square meters is my room _____________________________ 4.my hands yours are bigger than ____________________________ 5. me than taller 4cm you’re _____________________________ How tall are you? How large is your room? My room is 10 square meters. My hands are bigger than yours. You’re 4cm taller than me. Talk about what you have gained from this class! It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹时


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