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考核方法 考试采用笔试和平时成绩相结合的方法,笔试成绩占70%,平时成绩占30%。平时成绩包括作业和课堂出勤成绩两部分。 Chapter 1 Why We Model 完成本章学习后,你将能了解: UML的概念 软件开发和建模的面向对象方法 UML在软件建模中的应用 Rational Rose的基本应用方法 Build a dog house Build a house Build a high-rise office building 1.1 Modeling Notations It is important to have standard notations for modeling, documenting, and communicating decisions Modeling helps us to understand requirements thoroughly 1.1 Modeling Notations What is a model? Simply put, A model is a simplification of reality. A model provides the blueprints of a system. Models may encompass detailed plans, as well as more general plans. Modeling is a proven and well-accepted engineering technique. 1.1 Modeling Notations Through modeling achieve four aims: Models help us to visualize a system as it is or as we want it to be. Models permit us to specify the structure or behavior of a system. Models help us to communicate the desired structure and behavior of our system. Models help us to document the decisions we have made. Models help us to manage risk. 1.1 Modeling Notations Why we model? One fundamental reason—— We build models so that we can better understand the system we are developing. We build models of complex systems because we cannot comprehend such a system in its entirety. 1.2 UML简介 概述 软件工程领域在1995年至1997年取得了前所未有的进展,其成果超过软件工程领域过去15年来的成就总和。其中最重要的、具有划时代重大意义的成果之一就是统一建模语言— UML ( Unified Modeling Language)的出现。在世界范围内,至少在近10年内,UML将是面向对象技术领域内占主导地位的标准建模语言。 1.2 UML简介 什么是UML? UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a collection of notations used to document software specifications and designs. It is a standard language for writing software blueprints 是一种用于对软件密集型系统的制品进行可视化、详述、构造和文档化的图形语言,同时也可以对其它非软件系统建模; UML是一种绘制系统蓝图的标准语言,给出了统一的标记符号,这些符号可以帮助开发者、最终用户、领域专家等之间进行很好的交流; The UML is only a language, so it is just one part of a software development method. 1.2 UML简介 什么是UML? UML是软件界第一个统一的建模语言,该方法结合了Booch, OMT, 和OOSE方法的优点,统一了符号体系,并从其它的方法和工程实践中吸收了许多经过实际检验的概念和技术。它是一种标准的表示,已成为国际软件界广泛承认的标准。它是第三代面向对象的开发


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