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油价持续上涨的压力??sustained upward pressure on oil prices 如果油价保持在每桶100美元以上???if the oil price stays above $100 a barrel 油价越是走高?????the higher oil prices go 石油净进口国??net oil importers 投机和囤积行为加剧了价格猛涨的问题???the price surge is exacerbated by speculation and hoarding 鉴于油价持续高企??given continued high oil prices 油价大涨???a spike in the price of oil 投机已将油价吹成一个泡沫???speculation has inflated oil prices into a bubble 能源期货市场???energy futures markets 期货交易导致现货价格高于其市场均衡的水平??futures trading has driven spot prices above their market equilibrium 供需关系决定原油的价格???supply-and-demand factors determine the price of crude oil 油价的主要决定因素????the main drivers of the oil price 推高国际油价的一个因素??a factor pushing up international oil prices 原油价格回落???crude prices moderate 燃油补贴和价格管制往往带来副作用???fuel subsidies and price controls tend to produce unintended consequences 扭曲正常的消费模式???to distort normal consumption patterns 违反供需定律????to subvert the law of supply and demand 进一步加大供应压力???to strain supplies further 供需失衡????supply-demand imbalance 让其国内成品油价格与国际价格接轨???to bring its domestic oil product prices in line with international ones 深水勘探??deep-water exploration 分成合同???production-sharing contracts 重质原油???heavy crude 超重质原油???extra-heavy crude 石油品质高???oil is of high quality 石油品质低???oil is of inferior quality 含硫量低????with a low sulfur content 轻质无硫原油???light, sweet crude oil 油砂???tar sands 油砂油????tar sand oil 页岩油????shale oil 石油瘾???oil addiction 戒除石油瘾???to kick oil addiction 石油峰值???Peak Oil 石油峰值论???the notion of Peak Oil 达到石油峰值??to arrive at Peak Oil 石油巨头(大的石油公司)???oil majors 国家石油公司??National Oil Company (NOC) 含油盆地???oil-bearing basin 剩余可采储量???remaining recoverable (oil) reserves 竞购勘探牌照????to bid for exploration licenses 勘探权????exploration rights 石油开采权???oil concessions 地质敏感????be ecologically sensitive 调整管道线路????to shift the pipeline’s route 石油换贷款协议???oil-for-loans 俄罗斯石油公司????Rosneft 俄罗斯国家石油管道运输公司???Transneft 在现货市场购买石油???to buy oil in the spot market 上游生产???upstream production 向上游延伸???to move upstream 海运石油出口量????sea borne oil exports


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