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Chapter 8. An Introduction to Optical Atomic Spectrometry 8A. optical atomic spectra 8B. atomization methods 8C. sample introduction methods The elements present in a sample are converted to gaseous atoms or elementary ions by a process called atomization The ultraviolet/visible absorption, emission or fluorescence of the atomic species in the vapor is then measured. 8A. optical atomic spectra 8A-1 energy level diagrams the P orbitals are split into two levels that differ but slightly in energy an electron spins about its own axis the direction of this motion may either be the same as or opposed to its orbital motion opposite: lower energy same: slightly higher atomic emission spectra At room temperature, essentially all of the atoms of a sample of matter are in the ground state Excitation of this electron to higher orbitals can be brought about by the heat of a flame, a plasma, or an electric arc or spark. When the excited atom returns to the ground state, a photon of radiation is emitted sodium salts: yellow flame color two lines at 5896 and 5890 ? resonance lines (共振线)---- Involving transitions between excited electronic state and the ground state. atomic absorption spectra gaseous atoms absorb certain radiation sharp absorption peaks 8A-2 atomic line widths line width: its width in wavelength units when measured at one half the maximum signal Line broadening arises from four sources, including: the uncertainty effect the Doppler effect the pressure effects due to collisions between atoms of the same kind and with foreign atoms electric and magnetic field effects line broadening from the uncertainty effect Heisenberg uncertainty principle natural line widths (自然宽度) 10-5 nm Doppler broadening (多普勒变宽) Doppler shift: The wave length of radiation emitted or absorbed by a rapidly moving atom decreases if the motion is toward a transducer and increases if the atom is receding from the transducer. This phenomenon is known as the two orders of ma


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