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摘 要 近几年来,随着网络技术的迅猛发展,通过网络发布个人日志和关注感兴趣的内容,在当今社会已经渐渐成为人们展示自我和发现人才的一种新兴方式。博客,又译为网络日志、部落格或部落阁等,是一种通常由个人管理、不定期张贴新的文章的网站。博客上的文章通常根据张贴时间,以倒序方式由新到旧排列。它是社会媒体网络的一部分。 在本博客网站的设计中,遵从即通用又实用的原则,把网站的使用难度降低到最小,不但适合高中级用户使用,也适合水平稍低的用户使用,达到不用培训就可以应用自如的目的。本文作者在了解ASP.NET、Visual Studio 2010、SQL Server 2008数据库和Javascript的相关知识的基础上设计和开发了基于B/S架构的博客系统。 当用户在本网站注册登录后可以在个人博客中可以发表日志、修改密码、上传个性头像、添加超链接、浏览他人博客,添加博客好友,这些功能基本满足了众多网民在互联网上社交需求,而且可以通过博客传出自己声音。 本平台允许多用户以此为平台书写自己的网络日志、发表留言、添加博友、修改个人信息等,方便了大量的浏览者获取信息。由于博客重点体现的是个人的喜好兴趣,所以本平台提供给用户更多的机会创建自己喜欢的栏目,给用户有更广阔的发挥空间。目前此博客平台已经平稳运行。 关键词:博客,多用户,日志,ASP.NET ABSTRACT Recent years, as the highly development of IT, people around the world are get used with internet. They write blogs and show them though internet, the new mode of communication makes webblog come over. Webblog is a website which ran by a person and update at irregular time ,the blogs are ordered by creating time. Its a internet part of society media. The design of webblog in this paper follows the principle of useful and in common use to minimize the difficulty of operation for people in different level. It runs in Windows operating system, developed with the using of c# javascript and Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database, based on B/S architecture. When users come and register,he or she can posting logs, reset password, upload character portraits, add hyperlink ,view others blog and made them your blogfiriend. Those functions are basic meet the demand of social communication on internet and its a personal zone for you to speak out yourself. This platform is for people writing and posting blog, leaving message in different blogs which you interest. Of course you can also update personal information and it easy to get others basic information. As the point of blog website is showing what people like, people can DIY own category to get more fun. At present, the platform is running smoothly. Key words: webblog, multi-user, blog, ASP.NET 目 录 摘 要 I AB


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