八级英语上册 Unit How do you make a banana milk shak Section B课件 (新版)人教新目标版培训教程文件.ppt

八级英语上册 Unit How do you make a banana milk shak Section B课件 (新版)人教新目标版培训教程文件.ppt

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/ 资料来源:/ / 1. Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? 你喜欢吃莴苣三明治吗? (1) like v. 喜欢 like sth. (接名词或代词) 喜欢某物 like to do sth. (接动词不定式) 喜欢做某事 Explanation / like doing sth. (接V- ing 形式) 喜欢做某事 like sb. to do sth. (接复合宾语) 喜欢某人做某事 如: How do you like the weather here? 你觉得这里的天气如何? / Do you like to play football? 你喜欢踢足球吗? I like reading very much. 我非常喜欢读书。 Teachers always like their students to ask questions. 老师们总是喜欢学生们问问题。 / (2) like prep. 像, 与……一样 词组: look like (看起来像); be like (像) He looks like his father. 他长得像他爸爸。 What’s your new teacher like? 你们的新老师怎么样? / 2. Put some butter on a slice of bread. a slice of 量词, 一片 如: How many slices of roast beef would you like? 请问你要几片烤牛肉? There are several slices of bread. 有几片面包。 / slice也可用作动词, 意为把 (面包等) 切成薄片, 常与up连用。 如: She sliced up a loaf for us. 她把面包切成薄片给我们吃。 Please slice beef thin. 请将牛肉切成薄片。 LOGO 天津外国语大学附属滨海外国语学校 / Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? / Review: Use many or much to fill in the blanks : 1、A: How _____ watermelon do we need ? B: We need four pieces of watermelon . 2、A: How _____ watermelons do we need ? B: We need four . 3、A: How _____ oranges do you need ? B: Two . 4、A: How _____ orange do you need ?(小心) B: Two cups . 5、A: How _____ are the shoes ? B: Ten yuan . much much much many many / 1a Make a list of the things you like in a sandwich. I like ____________________________________ _____________________________________ tomatoes and lettuce, but I don’t like butter or onion. / / Sandwich [c] n : two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, vegetables, cooked egg, etc between them. / butter 黄油 a slice of butter / bread 面包 a piece of bread / two slices of bread bread / relish a teaspoon of relish / lettuce some lettuce / cheese / onion an onion / tomato a tomato / 1b. Pairwork A: Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? B: Yes, I


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