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/chencheng126/article/detailsinux网络编程题汇总1:tcp和udp的区别2:流量控制和拥塞控制的实现机制3:滑动窗口的实现机制4:多线程如何同步。5:进程间通讯的方式有哪些,各有什么优缺点6:tcp连接建立的时候3次握手的具体过程,以及其中的每一步是为什么7:tcp断开连接的具体过程,其中每一步是为什么那么做8:tcp建立连接和断开连接的各种过程中的状态转换细节9:epool与select的区别10:epool中et和lt的区别与实现原理11:写一个server程序需要注意哪些问题12:项目中遇到的难题,你是如何解决的?1.tcp和udp的区别:TCP与UDP区别TCP传输控制协议,提供的是面向连接、可靠的字节流服务。当客户和服务器彼此交换数据前,必须先在双方之间建立一个TCP连接,之后才能传输数据。TCP提供超时重发,丢弃重复数据,检验数据,流量控制等功能,保证数据能从一端传到另一端。UDP用户数据报协议,是一个简单的面向数据报的运输层协议。UDP不提供可靠性,它只是把应用程序传给IP层的数据报发送出去,但是并不能保证它们能到达目的地。由于UDP在传输数据报前不用在客户和服务器之间建立一个连接,且没有超时重发等机制,故而传输速度很快OverviewTCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is the most commonly used protocol on the Internet. The reason for this is because TCP offers error correction. When the TCP protocol is used there is a guaranteed delivery. This is due largely in part to a method called flow control. Flow control determines when data needs to be re-sent, and stops the flow of data until previous packets are successfully transferred. This works because if a packet of data is sent, a collision may occur. When this happens, the client re-requests the packet from the server until the whole packet is complete and is identical to its original.UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is anther commonly used protocol on the Internet. However, UDP is never used to send important data such as webpages, database information, etc; UDP is commonly used for streaming audio and video. Streaming media such as Windows Media audio files (.WMA) , Real Player (.RM), and others use UDP because it offers speed! The reason UDP is faster than TCP is because there is no form of flow control or error correction. The data sent over the Internet is affected by collisions, and errors will be present. Remember that UDP is?only?concerned with speed. This is the main reason why streaming media is not high quality.On the contrary, UDP has been implemented among some trojan horse viruses. Hackers develop scripts and trojans to run over UDP in order to mask their activities. UDP packets are als


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