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摘 要 女大学生毕业后“急嫁”问题已经引起了社会的广泛关注,随着大学毕业生毕业脚步的临近,就业问题已经成了时下即将走向社会的大学生最迫切需要解决的问题,写自荐信、跑招聘会、找用人单位推荐自己,毕业生们都希望在这最后两个月的冲刺阶段把工作落到实处。然而,一些在校女大学生却把精力用在了另一方面:不忙就业忙相亲,成为“急嫁一族”。 文章从女大学生“急嫁”的主要原因入手,分析“急嫁”现象暴露出的女性就业环境激烈、自主创业意识薄弱、消费主义和享乐主义滋生等主要问题,分析和探索女大学生“急嫁”现象所造成的各种负面的影响,并通过对“急嫁”和就业各项成本投入和实际收益进行对比分析发现,“急嫁”确实是当前女大学生对就业高风险的一种短期的理性规避方式,但这种表面上的“合理性”实际潜藏着深刻的危机。“急嫁”行为侧面反映出的社会问题值得深思。然后对女大学生毕业后“急嫁”给予了必要的引导。 【关键词】女性急嫁;就业压力;社会问题 Abstract Female college students after graduation urgent to marry problem has already caused the extensive concern of the society, along with the university graduation draws near, the employment question already became nowadays coming towards the community college students need to address the most pressing problem, writing a cover letter, running job fairs, to recommend their employers, graduates in the hope that in the last two months of the sprint stage falls the job to real point.However, some female students on campus is the energy used in the other hand: not busy busy employment date, become a worry to marry. The article from the female college students urgent to marry main reason proceed with, analysis urgent for marriage phenomenon exposed female employment environment of intense, own poineering consciousness is weak, consumerism and hedonism breed wait for main problem.Analysis and exploration of female college students urgent to marry the phenomenon is caused by a variety of negative effects,And through to the urgent to marry and obtain employment of each cost and practical benefits of comparative analysis, urgent to marry is indeed the current female college students to obtain employment at high risk of a short-term rational avoidance mode,But the surface on the rationality hiding actually deep crisis. Urgent to marry behavior reflects the social problem worthy of deep reflection.Then on female college students after graduation urgent to marry given the necessary guide. 【Key word】Women worry to marry; Employment pressur


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