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* * While the long-run effect of increasing the quantity of money is inflation, the short-run effects are more complicated - and controversial. However, most mainstream economists believe the following: An increase in the quantity of money causes spending to rise, which causes prices to rise, which induces firms to produce more goods and services, which requires that they hire more workers. Hence, in the short-run, increasing the quantity of money causes inflation to rise, but unemployment to fall. Of course, REDUCING the quantity of money would have the opposite effects (inflation would fall, while unemployment would rise) in the short run. Keep in mind, though, the lesson from Principle #9: In the long run, changing the quantity of money only affects inflation. We will learn in a later chapter what determines the rate of unemployment in the long run, and we will see that it has nothing to do with the quantity of money. The second bullet addresses the following point: In some decades, due to factors outside of the control of policymakers, inflation and unemployment are both high (e.g. 1970s) – or low (e.g. 1990s). Yet, given these other factors, policymakers can always reduce unemployment temporarily by creating more inflation, or vice versa. * Each Premium PowerPoint chapter ends with a summary similar to the textbook’s chapter summaries. Many instructors do not cover these chapter summaries in class. * * 主动学习2——问题讨论 以下哪一项活动最可能产生外部性? 学生坐在家里看电视 学生在宿舍里聚会 学生为了娱乐看小说 学生在休息室吃了一个汉堡 主动学习2——问题讨论 下列哪一种关于市场经济的表述是正确的? 市场参与者仿佛有一双“看不见的手”指引行事,产生了使社会福利最大化的结果 税收有助于沟通生产者与消费者之间的成本与利益 在有足够大的电脑时,中央计划者可以比市场更有效的指导生产 市场体制的力量倾向于在消费者中平等地分配资源。 1.3 整体经济如何运行 8、一国的生活水平取决于它生产 物品与劳务的能力 9、政府发行过多货币时物价上升 10、社会面临通胀和失业之间的短期权衡取舍 整体经济如何运行 原理 8 :一国的生活水平取决于它生产物品与劳务的能力 各国不同时期生活水平的巨大差异: 发达国家的平均收入是发展中国家平均收入的10倍以上 今天美国的生活水平比100年以前大约增长了八倍 整体经济如何运行 原理 8 :一国的生活水平取决于它生产物品与劳务的能力 决定生活水平的最重要因素: 生产率(productivity),即每一单位劳动投入所生产的物品与劳务数量 生产率取决于设备、劳动者的技能以及可用的技术 其它因素(比如,工会组织,国外的竞争)对


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