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Chapter 1 我的生活 My life (Student Book pages 6–25) Unit Main topics and objectives Grammar Skills 复习 1: Revising basic Chinese Revising basic Chinese Character writing strategies Recollection of basic characters: (pages 6–7) recognition (reading) and reproduction (writing) 复习 2: Understanding Understanding basic Verb-adjectives Reading for gist basic introductions introductions Looking for, identifying and (pages 8–9) using clues 1 我喜欢 I like Likes and dislikes When (while) Skimming and scanning (pages 10–11) More than (after a measure word) 和 and 也 2 我的父母 My parents Jobs and daily routines Subject + time + verb Understanding and (pages 12–13) Time + manner + place manipulating grammar (word order) 3 我的朋友 My friends (pages 14–15) Describing people Describing height Adverbs Listening for detail 4 爱好 Hobbies Asking yes/no questions Yes/no questions Learning to ask questions about (pages 16–17) Time/action speci?c times 5 国籍 Nationalities Talking about places you have ‘Has/have been (to a Skimming and scanning (pages 18–19) visited place)’ 口语 Speaking Speaking Assessment practice Revision (pages 20–21) Preparing for a speaking task (open interaction) Media and culture 写作 Writing Writing Assessment practice Revision (pages 22–23) Preparing for an extended writing task about a famous personality Media and culture 读和写 Reading and Writing (pages 188–189) Extra reading and writing practice 9 复习 Review 1 (Student Book pages 6–7) Main topics and objectives Revising basic Chinese Resources CD1, Track 2 (Family members, basic verbs, some pets) Skills Character writing strategies Recollection of basic characters: recognition (reading) and reproduction (writing) Starter Aim To establish what level of Chinese the students are working from. Answers 1g 2 h 3 f 4 j 5i 6 b 7 a 8 e 9 d 10 c Students all start by standing up. Ask them to put up their Logical compounds hand, wait to be chosen and then shout out any word they To support students in their characte


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