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八年级英语试卷 第 PAGE 8页 共8页 福安市2012年学校__________班级__________姓 学校__________班级__________姓名__________座号__________ 密 封 装 订 线 八年级英语 (考试时间:60分钟 卷面总分:100分) 可要仔细审题,先易后难哟!!同学们,面对这份试卷,你尽管大胆答题,因为你独特的体验可能就是答案。扬起你自信的风帆,运用你智慧的钥匙,沉着、冷静、多思,成功一定属于你!只要你勇于面对困难,勇于探索,勇于挑战,相信你一定能顺利完成本卷。加油吧! 可要仔细审题,先易后难哟!! Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( 每小题1分,共15小题,计15分) ( )1. Betty didn’t come to my party, so I felt__ __ A. happy B. mad. C. disappointed D. cruel ( )2.Must we clean the classroom again after class? ____________ A. No, you needn’t B. No, you mustn’t C. No, you don’t D. No, you can’t ( )3. Jim, Do you have a ticket ____ The sound of Music? Yes, I only have one. A. of B. to C. about D. with ( )4. I used to _____late, but now I am used to ____ early and getting up early. A. get up; go to bed B. get up; going to bed C. getting up; went to bed D. getting up; to go to bed ( ) 5.Many athletes in the world dream to take part in the Olympic Games. A. join B. join in C. join together D. join with ( )6. ______weather today! And I can’t go out to play with you. What a pity! A. what a bad B. what bad C. How bad D. How a bad ( ) 7. Jack missed the important football game. Ah? ________. A. You’re welcome. B. That’s OK. C. What a shame! D. Sounds great! ( )8. --_______is it from here to Jiuzhaigou? It’s about three hours by train. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon ( ) 9. Never drink _______during a meal. It’s bad for your health. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too ( )10. Would you mind if I asked where you’re from? ____________. A. Never mind. I’m from Fuan . B. Yes, go ahead. C. No, I’m afraid not. D. Not at all. I’m from Fuan. ( )11. You can take ____ half of the Cap


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