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Chapter one The Basic of Engineering Machinery Lesson 1 The basic machines 一、vocabulary(词汇) pry vt.窥视,撬;n.杠杆,杠杆作用,窥探,探究者 to pry up a floorboard 撬起一块地板 Can you help me pry the cover off this wooden box without breaking it? 你能不能帮我不打破这个木箱盖而撬开它? fulcrum n.支点;adj.可转动的,支点 adjustable fulcrum (跳板)可调整支点的活动装置 brake beam fulcrum 制动梁支点 brake lever fulcrum 制动杠杆支点, 制动梁支柱 seesaw n.杠杆,上下运动,交替;adj.上下运动的,杠杆式的 play at seesaw 玩跷跷板 the seesaw between the attackers and the defenders 攻守双方的拉锯战 valve n. 阀, [英] 电子管, 真空管 空调阀 air cylinder valve 气筒阀 air escape valve 泄气阀 amplifying valve (=amplifier valve) 放大(电子)管 angle valve 角阀 angle back-pressure valve 背压角阀 pivot n. 枢轴, 支点, (讨论的)中心点, 重点 pivot on 以...为轴心而转动; 绕着...转动 视...而定; 随...而转移 pivot upon 以...为轴心而转动; 绕着...转动 视...而定; 随...而转移 二. sentence(句子) 见教材p25 附加句 原文:By means of these different shapes cans can change rotating into reciprocating (back and forth or up and down ) motion or into oscillating or vibrating motion 译文:借助不同的形状,凸轮可以把旋转运动变为往复式运动(来回运动或上下运动),还可以变成摆动或震动。 原文:Cams can also transmit exact motions at special times in a cycle.They are therefore useful where the timing of complex motion is important. They are in automobile engines to raise and lower ten valves and in sewing machines to control the movements of the needle. 译文:凸轮可以特定的时间周期传递准确的运动,因此,在复杂运动中定时非常重要的地方,凸轮是非常有用的,在汽车发动机中,凸轮用来升降阀门,在缝纫机中用来控制针的运动。 Lesson 2 Diesel 一、vocabulary(词汇) Diesel [Diesel ]狄塞尔(Rudolf, 1858-1913, 德国工程师, 发明内燃机[柴油机) ②柴油机, 内燃机 ③柴油机驱动的车辆 aftercooled diesel 后冷式柴油机 air chamber diesel 气室式柴油机 air injection diesel 空气喷射式柴油机 airless injection diesel 无气喷射式柴油机, 机械喷射式柴油机 auxiliary diesel 辅助柴油机, 副柴油机 crosshead type diesel 十字头式柴油机 double acting diesel 双作用[双动]柴油机 geared diesel 齿轮传动式柴油机 charge 负荷, 电荷, 费用, 主管, 掌管, 充电, 充气, 装料 v. 装满, 控诉, 责令, 告诫, 指示, 加罪于, 冲锋, 收费 charge a gun with powder 用火药填满炮 charged water 汽水 charge ones memory with facts 记住大量事实 charge sb. with murder 指控某人谋杀 charge the loss of lives to the drivers carelessness 把生命的丧失归罪于司机的粗心 charge two dolla


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