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[精题分解] 书面表达汇编(2)(同步类)高二 41 黑龙江省五大连池市高级中学10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 假设你是David,你收到你姐姐寄来的生日礼物后,用英语写一封信。主要包括以下内容: 你的同学们都非常赞赏这份礼物; 你对姐姐不能和你一起庆贺生日感到遗憾; 生日那天你邀请了你的一些同学来家里玩; 晚上爸爸带你们去看电影; 祝姐姐在大学学习进步。 (词数100左右;赞赏admire)假如你是某高中学生李明, 想给某中学生英语报栏目编辑写信表达你的烦恼。内容包括: 在初中时成绩名列前茅,进入高中后很难排到班级前十名。 自己感到忧心忡忡。家长和老师都认为这样下去很难考入名牌大学。 看到班上成绩优秀的学生学习轻松,而自己每天晚上学习3-4小时还感到时间不够。 要求:1. 不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥,行文通顺 2.词数:100左右But since I entered high school, I have been pushing myself to get a satisfactory result. To my disappointment, however hard I work, I can hardly get into the top ten in my class. What’s more, each time after the exam I am left a little behind. I become more and more depressed/upset. My parents and teachers say if my study keeps going on like this, I may not be able to be admitted to a key university. I find that those excellent students concentrate on listening to the teachers in class and spend less time after class. I wonder how they can make it. I often study for more than three hours—even until deep into night, feeling that there is not enough time. I really don’t know what to do. Can you help me? Li Ming 43 湖南省汉寿龙池实验中学10-11学年高二上学期期中考试 现在很多住校中学生在放假时会背一包脏衣服回家让家长洗,再让家长抽时间把洗干净的衣服送到学校来,家长甚至因为不放心孩子而到学校附近租房陪读。请结合自己的生活实际,针对以上现象写一篇120词左右的英语短文,题目自拟。 OBe Independent Nowadays, some students depend on their parents too much. For instance, many middle school students living in schools go home on monthly vacation, with lots of dirty clothes to be washed by their parents. Sometimes, to our astonishment, their parents are willing to send the washed clothes to their children at school, which is far from home. Some parents are so worried about their children that they even rent houses near the schools to be with their children. In my opinion, it is not necessary for those students or their parents to do this. At school, we should do all we can to improve ourselves, that is to say, besides focusing on study, we might as well try to be more indep


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