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植物篱水土保持技术研究进展及展望 杨玉义,黄璐,严力蛟* (浙江大学生命科学学院生态规划与景观设计研究所,杭州,310058) 摘要:植物篱水土保持技术在坡耕地上的成功应用,不仅能防治水土流失、改善土质,而且能增加农民收入,实现生态效益与经济效益相统一。本文综述了近十年来植物篱水土保持技术研究进展,发现该研究存在明显的区域差异,并提出了植物篱品种选择及推广示意图,强调选择过程中农民参与的重要性。植物篱有较好的水土保持效益,但在实际推广过程中要注意植物篱与农作物养分竞争、种植模式等问题,并要进行正确的效益评价。作者进一步分析未来植物篱水土保持技术研究的三大趋势:理论研究深入化、实践推广合理化、效益评估综合化。相信通过进一步深入细致的研究,植物篱技术必将在我国山区的可持续发展、农业产业调整过程中发挥重要作用。 关键词:植物篱种植模式;水土保持;坡耕地;农林复合经营 中图分类号: 文献标示码:A Research and Prospect of Hedgerow Technology for Water and Soil Conservation YANG Yu-yi , HUANG Lu , YAN Li-jiao* (Institute of Ecological Planning and Landscape Design, College of Life Science, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,310058,China) Abstract:The successful application of hedgerow technology in slope land was not only an effective measurement for erosion control and soil improvement, but also played an important role in the increase of farmers income. Only in this way can the coordination of ecologic and economical benefits were achieved. It was discovered that regional differences were significant, based on the review about hedgerow technology in recent years. A sketch of hedgerow species selection and promotion was brought up, in which the importance of farmer participation was addressed. Although hedgerow technology was effective, nutrient competition between hedgerow and crop as well as hedgerow system should be noticed in practice. Besides, the importance of correct assessment about this technology was also discussed in this article. On the above analysis, the tendencies of hedgerow technology were speculated further: research deeply on the theory, rationalization in practice, Integration of beneficial assessment. Hedgerow technology would be bound to apply extensively to the sustainable development in mountain area and adjustment of agricultural Industrialization via intensive study. Keywords: hedgerow intercropping system; conservation of water and soil; sloping field; agroforestry 1引言 坡耕地占我国耕地面积的43.8%,是山区主要的土地资源。水土流失成为制约农业发展、影响产业结构调整的重要瓶颈,很多地区出现土质退化、生态恶化


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