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浅谈函数的极值问题 专业名称: 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 完成时间: 摘 要 在工农业生产、经济管理和经济核算中,常常要解决在一定条件下怎么使投入最小,产出最多,效益最高等问题。在生活中也经常会遇到求利润最大化、用料最省、效率最高等问题。因此解决这些问题具有现实意义。这些经济和生活问题通常都可以转化为数学中的函数问题来探讨,进而转化为求函数中最大(小)值的问题。而极值的概念来自数学中的最大(小)问题。故函数极值问题的探讨也具有了其重要意义。 本文在给出一元函数极值的定义的同时,探讨了一元函数极值和最值的求解方法。并在此基础上给出了多元函数极值存在的充分条件与必要条件, 并对结果进行了简要的证明。将一元函数判别方法推广到多元函数极值的判别,提出了判定多元函数极值的几个方法。得到关于多元函数极值的判定法则。探讨了多元函数极值和条件极值的一般判别方法和求法,研究了适用于所有情况的降维求解法和拉格朗日乘数法,而降维求极法比拉格朗日乘数法更加直观、计算更加简便,并且同时解决了条件极值的判定问题。 关键词 极值;多元函数;正定负定判别法;条件极值; ABSTRACT In industrial and agricultural production, management of the economy and the economic accounting , we often solve the problems such as how to make input smallest , output most efficient in given conditions. In the life we often encounter how to achieve maximum profit, use the minimum materials and get maximum efficiency, to deal with the similar problems that have its realistic significance. Above problems can be transformed with function and its function of maximum and minimum value. The concept of extreme value originate from function of maximum and minimum value of mathematics, therefore approaching the extreme value have significance meaning. This article gives concept of extreme value for the monadic functions, meanwhile obtain the methods of solution of extreme values for the monadic functions. Based on the extreme value of monadic functions, this paper has given the sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of extremum of multivariate function, the corresponding results are proved. Some methods of deciding the extreme values for the monadic functions were applied to decide the extreme values for the multivariate functions and then some effective methods of deciding the extreme values for the multivariate functions were presented. This article has discussed two general methods of determining the types of extreme and constrained extreme of multivariate functions. With regard to the constrained extremum, it has stu


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