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哈尔滨工程大学2013年第一批大学生哲学社会科学类项目结题报告书(匿名)课 题 名 称:高校培养学生创新、创业精神和实践能力的典型调查 项 目 类 别: E教育类 项 目 代 码: ZS2013C86 共青团哈尔滨工程大学委员会制2013年08月高校培养学生创新、创业精神和实践能力的典型调查马伟豪,李延杰,毛建博(哈尔滨工程大学经济管理学)摘 要:近年来,教育部坚持把大学生创业作为大学毕业生就业工作的重点来抓,先后出台大学生自主创业工作指导意见,建立高校学生科技创业实习基地,成立高校创业教育指导委员会,推出“创业引领计划”,积极引导大学生创新创业,取得了明显成效。大学生的创业意识、创业素质和创业能力明显增强,高校毕业生创业人数逐年大幅度增长,对解决大学毕业生就业难问题发挥了积极作用。创新创业教育是伴随着知识经济时代的到来而产生的一种新的教育理念,它起源于美国,目前已在全世界展开。由于多种原因,我国大学生创新创业教育起步较晚。目前,尽管取得了一些成绩,但在大学生创新创业能力及就业竞争能力培养等方面还没有统一的教育模式,在具体实施过程中仍然举步维艰。如何加强大学生创新创业及实践教育是我国高校亟待研究的重要课题关键词:大学生;“行”与“知”;教师;调查The research of improving college students’ability of innovateMa weihao,Mao jianbo ,Li yanjie(Harbin engineering university,economic and administration schoolAbstract:In recent years, the Ministry of education to college students as the work of university graduates employment placed in key position, has issued guidance on the work of college students, establish the student science and technology university practice base, the establishment of University Entrepreneurship Education Steering Committee, launched the entrepreneurial lead plan, and actively guide students innovation and entrepreneurship, and achieved remarkable results. Students awareness of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial capability has been markedly enhanced, the number of college graduates increased year by year, plays a positive role in solving the problem of difficult employment of University students. Innovation and entrepreneurship education is a new educational concept with the advent of knowledge economy era and produces, it originated in the United States, has been launched in the whole world. Because of various reasons, college students innovation and entrepreneurship education in China starts late. At present, despite some achievements, but in college students innovation ability and the employment competitive ability is not unified educational mode, in the concrete implementation process still struggling. How to strengthen the edu


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