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2015年成人学士学位英语考试考前冲刺卷 Part I Dialogue Completion(15 points) Directions: There are 15 Short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and.mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1、Interviewer: Sorry for the inconvenience it may cause you. Interviewee: __________. A.You’re welcome B.Never mind C.Nothing else D.It’s OK 2、Visitor: Thank you very much for your care while I am at Cambridge. Host: __________.Im glad you enjoyed the visit. A.Never mind B.No thanks C.My pleasure D.Goodbye 3、James: George, did you tell Bob to come to this meeting? George: Im terribly sorry.I forgot all about it. James: It doesn’t matter.__________.Let’get started without him· A.Good]uekl B.Come On C.No problem D.Good heavens 4、Simon: Sorry for interrupting you’ Aroma: __________. A.Of course not B.No sorry C.That, s all right D.OK 5、Woman: Would you do me a favor? Man: __________. Woman: Would you bring me a sweater?It’S cold in here. Man: Here you are. A.Good B.Im glad to C.Certainly D.Pleasure 6、Wilson: Hi!__________going to the show tonight?Can you go with me? Betty: FB really sorry, I can’t make it tonight. A.Whdt about B.What is C.How is D.It is 7、Peter: Where shall I put the box? Li Mei: Could you please put it on the table? Peter: OK. Li Mei: That’s very kind of you.Thank you very much. Peter: __________. A.Im glad B.Im happy C.Never mind D.My pleasure 8、Receptionist: Good morning.This is Reception. Caller: Could you get me through to the manager?This is Mary calling from Sidney. Receptionist: Sorry, the manager is not in fight now. Caller: Could I leave a message? Receptionist: Sure.__________, please. A.Speak B.say C.Go ahead D.Do it 9、Lily: How about come to dinner with us tonight? Ann: __________. A.I like to B.1 will C.That’s a good idea D.Im afraid not 10、SaHy: What do you think about travelling abroad? Liu: __________ , I don’t like it. Sally: Why not?It must b


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