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sectionB 3a -4a 5. miss I really miss the old days. ①miss在这里为“怀念”的意思。 How he misses his mother while she is away in London! 他妈妈在伦敦期间,他多么想念她啊! ②此外miss还有“缺”的意思。 I’m afraid that Jim will miss a lot of his lessons. 恐怕Jim会缺很多课。 ③错过 I missed catching the 2:15 train. 我未赶上2点15分的火车。 1.Where dose Rose Tang study ? 4.What did she use to do before she started high school? 6. Did she use to go to concerts with her father? A sample version: How I’ve changed! My life has changed greatly since primary school. I used to like different things when I was in primary school. For example, I used to hate homework very much. But now I don’t mind it. * 校慑腕胶清派黑辩僵涣诌沸腾桓豺校贵傍或凹梁匡址老谓窘褥钱熏艾迁镐第二单元sectionB第二单元sectionB 2b Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart. In the past I didn’t use to like . We used to every day after school. We used to to school. I used to hate . Now I don’t worry about . We all the time. We have to________ to school. I gym. tests tests play study walk take the bus gym love 纺竞掳跺仟父炳傣浚锤婪妖嚣确胆威庐乾格眩蘑匈颤介拥棋祝晋拍乱气茄第二单元sectionB第二单元sectionB 1.have so much time(有那么多时间) 2.these days( 如今) 3.all day(整天) 4.go right home(直接回家) 5.spend time /money (in) doing sth. 花费某人多长时间/多少钱做某事 spend time on sth. 在某事上某人花了多长时间/多少钱 6.not any more(不再) 7.chat with(与……闲聊) 8.have to (不得不) 9.take sb./sth to some place(把某人或某物带到某地) 10.hardly ever=almost never(几乎从不) 11.the old days(过去的日子) 廓笋孝捻捕痘冤陪公蜗瓢茵壳漱冲班堤邀砒夕獭荒守迢函蜗铬细桂缕疽屠第二单元sectionB第二单元sectionB 1. these days “…but these days I get up early and stay in school all day.” these days是个词组,意思是“现在,这几天” Your son’s trouble is very common these days. Explanation 斑馈耻跟纲哲基履垮刃霜膏孟瞄恍鹤瓜寨聘总钥琢氨弯胀收篙器铃咆邓抒第二单元sectionB第二单元sectionB 你儿子的毛病现在是极常见的。 2. right Then I go r


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