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英语四级翻译分类练习 虚拟语气 1. We insist that _______________________________________________(让杰克立刻进医院). (Jack (should) be sent to hospital right now 考点:表示“建议、命令、要求、想法”的动词所接的宾语从 句通常用“(that) sb. (should) do”的虚拟形式) 2. The traffic police told the surrounding people that the truck driver ____________ 对这起严重的交通事故负责任. (should be responsible for the serious traffic accident) 3. Medical evidence suggests that ________________ 大多数人会享有更健康的身体 if they eat less refined food. (most people can enjoy better health考点:suggest在此句中并非表示“建议”,而是“表明”) 4. It is surprising that he _____________________________ 竟然责骂他的女朋友in the street. (should scold his girlfriend) 5. In fact, it is advisable that ___________________________ 我们提前完成项目. (we (should) finish/ complete the project ahead of time/ in advance) 6. It is generally not advisable that_______________________________________小孩在低年级时学习两门外语. (a child study two foreign languages in a lower grade) 7. It is high time he ___________________ 在这个大选年履行早先的承诺. (fulfilled/ carried out his early promises in this election year考点:It’s (about/high) time 后的that从句中用过去式,表示“该是…的时候了”) 8. Our only request is that ________________________ 这个争端被尽快解决. (this dispute (should) be settled as soon as possible) 9. I wish _______________________________________ 我年轻的时候有你们这样的机会. (I had had your opportunities when I was young 考点:I wish后的that从句中用过去完成式表示过去没有实 现或不可能实现的愿望) 10. If only ______________________ 他知道这病是可以治好的! Then he would not have killed himself. (he had known this disease is curable 考点:If only 引导的感叹句表示“但愿”或“要是…就好了”,用法与 I wish…基本相同) 11. —— Would you like him to paint your door with yellow stars? —— I’d rather he _____________________________ 漆成蓝色的,而且不带任何装饰. (painted it blue, and without any decorations 考点:would rather 后的that从句中用过去式表示不是事实) 12. Hugh usually talks _________________________________ 仿佛在大会上发表演说似的. (as though he were delivering a speech at an assembly 考点:as if / as though引导的从句中用过去式表示和现 在事实相反或对现在情况有所怀疑) 13. Were I in your place, ______________


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