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可控励磁发电系统综合性实验的设计 摘要 现代电力系统的发展,对同步发电机励磁控制提出了更高要求。发电机在正常工作情况下,负载总在不断地变化着。而不同容量的负载,以及负载的不同功率因数,对同步发电机励磁磁场的反映作用是不同的,要维持同步发电机端电压为一定水平,就必须根据负载的大小及负载的性质随时调节同步发电机的励磁。在各类电站中,励磁系统是保证同步发电机正常工作,提高电网稳定水平的关键设备。同步发电机励磁的自动控制在保证电能质量、无功功率的合理分配和提高电力系统运行的可靠性方面都起着十分重要的意义。 本文主要对可控励磁发电系统进行了实验设计,首先对可控励磁发电系统做了相关简介并探讨了可控励磁发电系统的国内外未来发展形势。本文着重在可控励磁系统中的过励限制方面作了重点分析,并设计了相关的一个过励限制特性试验,对过励限制系统加深了了解。 关键词:电力系统励磁控制系统过励限制 Integrated power system excitation control design of experiment Abstract The development of modern power system, synchronous generator excitation control on a higher requirement. Generators in normal circumstances, the total load is constantly changing. And different load capacity and load of different power factor, synchronous generator excitation field on the reflection of the role is different, to maintain the synchronous generator terminal voltage to a certain level, it must be based on load size and the nature of the load regulation at any time synchronization power generator. In various power plant, synchronous generator excitation system is to ensure that work to improve the level of power and stability of key equipment. Synchronous generator excitation control in power quality assurance, rational allocation of reactive power and improve reliability of power system operations and play an important role. This paper mainly controlled experimental excitation power system design, first generation system as a controllable excitation profile and the related power system excitation control of the future development of the situation at home and abroad. This article focuses on the controlled excitation system overexcited restrictions were analyzed, and design-related characteristics of an overexcited limit test, the system had exciting limit to deepen understanding. Keywords:power system, excitation control system, overexcited limit 不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 发电机励磁控制系统简介 1 1.2 励磁控制系统的作用 2 1.2.1 维持发电机端电压在给定水平 2 1.2.2 提高电力系统的静态稳定性 2 1.2.3 改善电力系统


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