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目 录 【摘要】: Ⅱ 【关键词】: Ⅱ [Abstract] Ⅲ [Keywords] Ⅲ 一、引言 1 二、我国青少年修学旅游市场发育现状 2 (一)我国三大修学旅游市场现状 2 1、出境修学旅游市场 2 2、入境修学旅游市场 2 3、国内修学旅游市场 3 (二)我国青少年修学旅游市场存在的问题 3 1、修学旅游产品单一 3 2、修学旅游产品质量低下 4 3、修学旅游产品价格偏高 4 三、青少年修学旅游市场开发策略 4 (一)市场主体需求研究 5 1、青少年进行修学旅游要能增进技艺、增长知识 5 2、青少年进行修学旅游是对文化的渴求 5 3、家长对孩子的期望 5 (二)修学旅游产品策略 6 1、开发新的修学旅游产品 6 2、创新老的修学旅游产品 6 3、提高修学旅游产品质量 7 (三)修学旅游价格策略 7 1、差别定价策略 7 2、心里定价策略 8 3、折扣定价策略 8 (四)修学旅游促销策略 8 1、营业推广策略 8 2、人员推销策略 9 3、公共关系策略 9 四、总结与思考 10 参考文献: 11 致 谢 12 青少年修学旅游产品市场特征及其开发策略 【摘要】:修学旅游是以增进技艺、增长知识为目的,以青少年学生为主体,以旅游的形式组织到居住地以外的国家或地区进行观光游览、生活体验、学习特定知识等的教育旅游活动。概念一经提出就受到经营者的追捧和青少年的青睐,目前修学旅游市场包括出境修学旅游市场、入境修学旅游市场和国内修学旅游市场。但对于青少年修学旅游来说,还存在着产品单一、质量低下、价格偏高等不合理因素,本文基于市场营销的四个要素对这一市场做了深入分析,提出要全面认识青少年的需求特征;开发修学旅游新产品,更新老旧产品,提高产品质量;合理利用价格定价策略;积极推进修学旅游产品的促销。 【关键词】:青少年修学旅游; 市场; 需求; 产品; 定价; 促销 On the Marketing Strateges for Study Tour of Youth in China [Abstract ] Study Tour of Youth is a kind of education tourism activity, which is for the purpose of enhancing skills and increasing knowledge, with the young students as the main part, with a tourism form of organization to sightseeing, experiencing life, learning specific knowledge by living outside the country or region. Once the concept is proposed, it is soughed after by the operators and the teenagers. Currently, the markets of Study Tour of Youth are including the exit Study Tour of Youth market, entry Study Tour of Youth market and domestic Study Tour of Youth market. But for the young people, there are many irrational factors exist in the Study Tour of Youth. For instance, the products are single variety, the poor quality and the high price. This article analyze the market deeply based on the four elements of it and put forward a comprehensive understanding at the needs features of the teenagers; developing the new products of Study Tour of Youth, updating the old products, improving the quality of the products and using the pricing strategies rationally and actively promote the promotions of the


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