Hong Kong M.A in Translation 整理【DOC精选】.doc

Hong Kong M.A in Translation 整理【DOC精选】.doc

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Hong Kong M.A in Translation 香港翻译硕士 1.在香港六大港校中,开设翻译专业的分别有香港中文大学、香港理工大学、香港浸会大学和香港城市大学。其中,比较倾向口译方向的是香港理工大学的翻译与传译文学硕士学位,其余三所学校都是较偏重笔译方向。 2.四所开设翻译硕士的专业都可以申请,没有工作经验的要求,应届毕业生和已经工作的人均可以申请。各个学校只给出了语言最低要求均在6.5以上,其中理工和浸会要求7分以上,理工偏向口译往年对单项有要求,都需要面试。 3.滚动招生,建议提早申请 香港中文大学 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学的翻译系发展历史悠久,是全亚洲最早开设翻译硕士的学系。其开设的两个翻译硕士分别是Master of Arts in Translation (翻译文学硕士) 和Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation (机器辅助翻译文学硕士),后者的机器辅助翻译文学硕士更是香港中文大学的特色课程,属于世界首创的翻译专业类别,除了学习基本的笔译技巧,该专业还渗透了翻译软件的使用和设计,及机器翻译的编辑技巧等等。 翻译文学硕士课程设置十分经典,涵盖了高级翻译研究和各种题材的翻译专题(比如商务翻译、新闻翻译、法律文件翻译、政府和公共事务翻译等选修课) Morgan Stanley Rockschool HK Limited Strategic Public Relations Group Limited 牛津大學出版社 World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong Pipeline – Double Pipe Publishers Ltd ? Graduated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelors degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class; or ? Graduated from an honours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelors degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than B ; or ? Completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree. - TOEFL (normally not lower than 550 Paper-based; 213 computer-based; and 79 internet-based); - IELTS (Academic) (normally not lower than Band 6.5); 截止日期: 2月28日 C. Study Scheme 1. Course Requirement Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 units of courses for graduation. For Full-time Students (a) Required courses: 9 Units TRAN6001 Advanced Translation Studies TRAN6002 E-C Translation Workshop TRAN6003 C_E Translation Workshop (b) Elective courses: 15 units Any five courses to be chosen from the following: TRAN6101, 6102, 6103, 6104, 6105, 6106, 6107, 6108, 6109, 6110, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6114, 6115, 6116, 6117, 6119, 6201, 6202, 6203, 6204, 6301, 6302, 6303, 6601, 6811,


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