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SUMMARY概要 1. The Honduran economy suffered from the global financial crisis and the slump in external demand and in the price of its main exports, in particular coffee and bananas. Although it has recovered since, its average annual GDP growth rate of 2.5% between 2009 and 2014 has not been sufficient to improve living conditions or reduce poverty. In fact, GDP per capita remained practically at a standstill during that period, reaching US$2,236 in 2014, one of the lowest in Latin America. For 2015, the estimated GDP growth rate is 3.5%. Although the economic outlook is positive, Honduras is faced with the highest level of economic inequality in Latin America and is vulnerable to external shocks. The countrys economic structure has not changed substantially since the last review in 2010, although the GDP share of the manufacturing industry, including the maquila industry, has declined slightly. The agricultural sector continues to play a major role as a source of employment. 全球金融危机、外需萎靡、主要出口产品价格暴跌,尤其是咖啡和香蕉出口价格骤降,,1992投资法》并引入新的投资担保制度,比如:稳定合同和财产保护制度。有些要求被废止,比如:在洪都拉斯进行投资所需的事先授权。对投资的主要限制是国家基于公共秩序或公共利益对特定基础行业和公共服务仍实施专营。本次审议期间内,洪都拉斯对外国投资者没有推出新的限制或禁止规定。洪都拉斯仍维持其推动国内投资和外国投资的特殊制度。这些制度绝大多数适用于全境,但某些激励制度仅针对特定行业,特别是推动和发展清洁能源和旅游业的制度。为简化投资手续,洪都拉斯正在建立单一投资办事窗口,并对一系列手续进行精简和数字化。 12. Honduras has a relatively open trade regime, as evidenced by the high foreign trade to GDP ratio. While there have been no major changes to the regime since 2010, a number of measures have been introduced to facilitate trade. Honduras has streamlined its customs procedures by introducing a variety of electronic systems, particularly for exports. However, the single window has yet to be fully implemented. Honduras has notified the WTO of its Category A commitments under the Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA) and has begun the formalities for ratifying the TFA. 洪都拉斯的贸易制度相对开放,从它的外贸与GDP的比率较高就能看出来。虽然自2010年以来贸易制度未发生大的变化,但仍然引入许多贸易便利化措施。洪都拉斯通过众多电子系统,特别是出口电子系统,对海关流程进行精简。但是,单一窗口制度尚未完全实施。洪都拉斯已经将其在《贸易便利化协定》(T


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