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中级口译(英汉对照) 参观访问 Hello, welcome to Jinghe high-tech park. I’m operation manager of the park. I’m honored to be your guide and take you to tour around the park. May I know your major interests? 您好,欢迎光临京河高科技园区。我是园区的业务经理,我很荣幸能带大家参观我们的园区。不知道各位对哪方面比较感兴趣? I’m interested in the general layout of the park. Would you please give me some idea of its setup? 我对园区的总布局颇感兴趣,能简要介绍下吗? Well. First of all, we’ll take a bird’s-eye view of the park. And then we’ll look around in the park and, to use a Chinese metaphor, we’ll cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horseback. 很好,我们先来鸟瞰一下整个园区吧,然后在园区内各处转悠一下,用我们的话说是“走马观花”吧 Good idea, but we’ll cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on your car . . .in a more comfortable manner Great humor, sir. Let me come back to our story. Jinghe high-tech park enjoys a superior location, with Beijing as its backdrop, facing the vast expanse of the Bosea, bordered by the Jingjintang Expressway to the east. It takes only 30 minutes to reach the Capital’s International airport, 20 minutes to get to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station, and one hour to arrive at the Tianjin New Harbor. The park is a national development zone approved by the State Council. It’s entitled to the power of approving projects with preferential policies, operating under the management system of international standards. 先生好幽默!我们言归正传吧。京河高科技园区地理位置优越,背靠首都北京,面向辽阔的渤海,东依京津塘高速公路,驱车三十分钟可抵达首都国际机场,20分钟即可抵达首都火车货运站,一个小时可抵达天津新港。园区是经国务院批准的国家级开发区,享有项目审批权和优惠政策,是一个与国际管理体制接轨的经济区。 园区何时启用,园区的开发是由谁投资?When was it put to use? Who fuelled its development? The construction of the park was undertaken in two stages with the first covering 588 acres comprising 28 industrial lots as well as RD, administrative and supporting facilities. And the second covers 525 acres with 22 industrial lots. The park went into its full operation in 2000, supported by the generous finance from 5 seaval banks and 2 overseas banks. 园区建设分两期进行。一期工程占地588公顷,由28个工业地块以及研发、行政和辅助设施构成。二期工程占地525公顷,包括22个工业地块。园区于2000年全面运营,5家国内银行


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