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必修一:Unit 4 Earthquakes 【三维目标】:明确目标 有的放矢 Topic Earthquakes Knowledge cognition 重点单词 burst, nation, ruin, suffering, extreme, injure, destroy, useless, shock, rescue, trap, electricity, bury, frighten, frightening, congratulation, judge, express 重点短语 right away, as if, at an end, in ruins, dig out, a (great/large) number of 重点句型 1. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. 2. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 3. All hope was not lost. 4. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 5. Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year. 交际主题 Talking about past experiences (谈论过去的经历) It was terrible when … It seemed as if … I remember… I felt … No longer after that … Luckily… Expressing thanks (表达谢意) I would like to express my thanks to …who… Here, I wish to express my thanks to …who… I’d also like to thank … No words are strong enough to express our… 语法要点 定语从句(一)(that, which, who, whose) 写作主题 报道——报纸文章 Language Competence ① 能运用所学语言知识描述地震前兆、地震危害及震后援救。 ② 提高学生的阅读技巧和运用英语进行思维、推理判断的能力 Emotion Value cultivation ① 通过对本课课文的学习,提高自己对自然界中灾难的警惕及采取预防措施。学会处理自然界中一些突发境遇,尤其是地震、洪水、台风等情况,学会保护自己和帮助他人。 ② 学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神。 ③ 在教学活动中培养学生的合作精神和互助精神。 Culture awareness 了解地震等重大灾害的信息以及相应的措施,提高灾害预防,保护大自然,爱护地球和自我保护意识。 Learning Strategy 自主学习策略;有效合作与交际策略;信息处理与探究策略;资源策略运用。 Important points ① 阅读并理解课文“A night the earth didn’t sleep”,从而使学生了解地震前兆、地震危害及震后救援等相关知识。 ②通过对本篇课文的阅读,掌握各种阅读技巧。 Difficult points ① 对文章段落大意的归纳。 ② 开放性话题的实现。 ③ 如何写新闻报道。 Section Ⅰ:Warming up pre-reading and reading 【高效学习指导案】 【分层学习目标】: A级目标: ⑴.Know basic knowledge about natural disasters and describe a natural disaster by using language knowledge. ⑵.Learn to write a news report. B级目标: ⑴.Master different reading skills. ⑵.Be able to use the news words and phrases to improve your own ability. C级目标: Try to memorize the new words and phrases we have learned. 自我确


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