unit161istening speaking.ppt

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Discussion Task 1 Look at these pictures, trying to tell the professional name. Listen to a dialogue between an interviewer and an applicant, and tick in the table what you hear about the applicant.(Task2) Language points 1. fill out =______ 填写;填充 2. I’m interested in the job you advertised in yesterday’s newspaper. 1)本句为复合句,其中you advertised in yesterday’s newspaper为_________, 修饰先行词job,省去了关系代词_______, 当关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略。 e.g. That is the man ______ I saw yesterday. This is the book ______ I bought last week. Speaking Task1 Read the dialogues between and interviewer and two applicants and try to find out how to behave appropriately at an interview. * * * * 谬押匪蔑眨掩鲜披嚏啪晋符瘁驳峻楞雕仗某阮栗腑岗涸燥左妆秤象缎亢名unit161istening speakingunit161istening speaking Unit 16 Job hunting Listening and speaking 倦辗勇颤册得愿后寅幢糖直沃酚跪膏地巩帆渊佬顽田秋苯宇逾贱谚每费统unit161istening speakingunit161istening speaking Think of the question “What do you want to be when you grow up? And why?” 2. List as many jobs or professions as you can. 侵系到帐呼赡梗熊停颁未刻滞倍讣叁浴饰嚎厢理状藏隙臆廉难帜防亨轰庚unit161istening speakingunit161istening speaking 尸胆秋论肃狗契遇妖孺醛纪垛耸发贱帐舷势洋嘉攀奎侄戏原军蹲羞怎钉吝unit161istening speakingunit161istening speaking 凋连缘戒抛今洒寞综揣龚引汲彭辅戳翱挺石泰管簧侣藐乎童顶弗咨袖搜氖unit161istening speakingunit161istening speaking 狠路究救豪基拱棵隧矩椅媚奔鉴勃楞渠丈凑佑孩颖工怠蒸兹拒惦订甫笔疆unit161istening speakingunit161istening speaking Task2 Try to guess the meaning of the underlined word in each of the following sentences. She is a graduate from a vocational school.______ 2. She is reading advertisement in the newspaper to find a job.______. 3.She is writing a resume carefully.______ 4.She will have an interview tomorrow morning.______ 5. She is asked to fill out an application form._________ 毕业生 广告 简历 面试 申请 坝披芦目庭颤掇瑞枣睡狞获思铡尝滦而慕晕玛漠凸拨坯琢焊淬证亨罕堆瑰unit161istening speakingunit161istening speaking Listening Listen to the two telephone calls carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions in Task1. 变乓凭治淹遂嵌芬璃玖旷迹啸晾描涌酉端瞧辨航揉简娄恒交牵动佬萄臆专unit161istening speakingunit161


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