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Watch the video clip and then do the following exercise. 1. Which of the following technologies that can prevent collisions is NOT mentioned? A. Auditory alarms. B. Visual alarms. C. Warning lights. D. Automatic brakes. 2. How many people die from traffic accidents each year in the US? A. 30,000. B. 40,000. C. 50,000. D. 60,000. 3. Where has the technology to avoid rear-end collision already shown positive results? A. Bus. B. Car. C. Truck. D. Subway. √ √ √ Unit 5 》Part III 》 II Science Report 涨啄英祁玩财豹毛泛亮乐垣惜陡真饺疲能纫乔冒笛滦阻亩头怖撩尿软呀印新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit5新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit5 4. How much did preventable rear-end collisions in cars fall after the smart technology was implemented? A. 50 percent. B. 40 percent. C. 30 percent. D. 20 percent. 5. What is TRUE about passenger vehicles with smart technology? A. They are widely marketed. B. They are still in the early stages of experiment. C. They cannot compete with traditional vehicles. D. They are now being mass-produced. √ √ 【Script】 Unit 5 》Part III 》 II Science Report 哭选闰倪耍夜聊苫裁豌矮径黔村蚤撇寒搭漱杠苔扭帽窄咕吞撇缀悔捞侮网新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit5新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit5 Script Unit 5 》Part III 》 II Science Report 逻缀喉权东柞瓶蜕庚觅蔼扫讹脓擎峪稼琼份胰踢际筏厅尹鸿画月宾等辉蒙新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit5新核心大学英语B版听说教程2Unit5 Task 1 Spot Dictation Directions: In this passage, there are 15 blanks. Fill in the missing words after watching the video clip twice. Task Unit 5 》Part III 》 III Science Report A Rough Road for Toyota Toyota became 1) in 2008. But after 2) , the Japanese company may have put its quality brand name at risk, at least temporarily. Toyota is recalling 3) around the world because of cases where vehicles 4) . Last August, a driver in California was u


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