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The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics Annual Scientific Meeting 2009 香港儿童脑科及体智发展学会 2009年周年学术研讨会 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Updates on Management 处理自闭症谱系障碍的新发展 15 November 2009 Training starts from Interest A case study on training based on interest for a pre-school child with autism in Guangzhou, CHINA 自闭症儿童教育从兴趣开始 - 个案研究分析 Ms. Juan TAN, Therapist, Special Education Teacher, Guangzhou Taiyangchuan Rehabilitation Education Centre 广州市太阳船康复教育中心 Mr. Ivan MAO, Deputy Centre-in-charge, Guangzhou Taiyangchuan Rehabilitation Education Centre Supervisor: Dr. Xu-hong CHEN , Senior Paediatrician Guangdong Province Association for Disabled Persons广东省残疾人康复协会 Outlook of GZTYC 广州市太阳船康复教育中心 外貌 21-8-2009 廣州市太陽船康復教育中心 * GZTYC at Tinyu Garden GZTYC - A five minutes walk from The Guangzhou East Station Background Information of GZTYC 广州市太阳船康复教育中心简介 A Community Based Rehab. Centre under the GZ Disabled Persons Federation and was established in June 2008.市残联社区康复基地 Centre located at downtown commercial area of 834 sq. m. 位於市中心商业区 Financial Sources: 财政来源 (a) fee charging,服务收费 (b) donation from private foundation e.g. GIVES, 私人基金捐助 (c) government. 政府资助 Background Information of GZTYC 广州市太阳船康复教育中心简介 Role of Centre: 中心任务 Pre-sch. Training for children with autism and related disabilities,学前自閉症及特殊需要兒童訓練 Provincial level rehab. Professional Staff Training, 广东省康复专业人员培訓 Parents Education Support.家長培訓及支援 Background Information of GZTYC 广州市太阳船康复教育中心简介 Total children served: 96 ( 6/2008-10/2009)曾受訓儿童 Training sessions: over 58,000 sessions 个訓總节數 Existing Capacity: 45 children 现有服务名额 Staff Strength: 30 persons 职员人数 Day training and hourly training by individual item 日间训练及按个别训练项目钟点课 21-8-2009 廣州市太陽船康復教育中心 * Types of Disabilities of Service Users 服务对象特征 (Some service users may have more than one type of disabilities) ASD 自闭症 65名 ADHD 10名 Intellectual disabilities智障 3名 Sensory disorder 感统失


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